Monday 19 February 2024

MOMENTS by Joanne Boyle

by Joanne Boyle

Collecting Moments.
Today I collected moments
and put them in my pocket.
I then collected hope,
and put it in my locket.
I chose a moment for a blessing,
to pass on to another.
A gift of ever after,
from a father to a mother.
I picked a time of togetherness,
in case It's something I need.
I held on to generosity,
to overcome my greed.
I planted future moments,
like flowers that will grow.
I'll dig them out some time,
once the seeds do sew.
I'll give a moment to a friend,
and hope it brings a smile,
a one to look back on
every once in a while.
I'll wrap some up in love
and give them as a gift,
to be unwrapped at any time
that spirits need a lift.
I'll give moments to my family,
enough for them to measure,
the value of our memories,
is a priceless treasure.
My moments are my riches.
They are all I have to give,
and I shall treasure each one,
for as long as I shall live.
Joanne Boyle

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by Tahlia Hunter

When you know who you are
Other people can enter and exit your life
Without it rocking your world
As your foundation is solid and unshakeable
Because you have yourself.
When you know who you are
The opinions and judgements of others matter far less
And people can speak words of criticism, unkindness and malice about you
Without it affecting how you feel about yourself
When you know who you are
Other people can reject you or abandon you
Without it changing your identity
Because you know that your destiny is not tied to those who have chosen to leave you
And you feel whole and complete from within
When you know who you are
You appreciate
That putting your happiness and sense of self-worth
In the hands of another person
Is akin to making them your jailor
And remaining locked in a prison
That only they have the key to rescue you from
While liberating yourself
Means taking full responsibility
For your emotions, identity and wellbeing
And setting yourself free
To live and feel however you may choose.
And when you know who you are
Rather than devoting so much time and energy to trying to impress others
Or projecting the fulfilment of your own unmet needs and desires onto them
You choose to prioritise your own needs and wellbeing
And make time for your most important relationship
Which is with yourself.
Words by Tahlia Hunter

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Artwork by Annie Hamman Art


TWO SISTERS by Joanne Boyle

by Joanne Boyle

 Two Sisters played together, passing stars down from the sky. Like a game of pass the parcel, were the same rules do apply.

Each star was wrapped in memories,
Five to be precise,
and no matter which way it turned,
the memory was always nice.
The Sisters hadn't aged at all,
though some would say one did,
but in the dreams they played in,
getting older was forbid.
They would meet in the same memory.
Laugh at times gone by.
Share tales from childhood years,
play catch, from earth to sky.
Sometimes they would sit and talk,
until night turned back to day,
but they would awake to find,
the star was there to stay.
Joanne Boyle

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(author unknown)

Your grandfather proposed to me with a piece of candy. We had nothing, he knelt down and told me: I have nothing now, just a piece of candy, but if you want we can build everything together.
And you? I opened the candy, divided it in two and we ate it. From that moment we divided and shared everything. We fell, we got up and we build.
All together. We have experienced difficult moments, tiredness, but we have always been there for each other. Until the last breath.
Other times, Grandma.
Time does not change the way of loving.
What has changed is that you no longer have beautiful examples to follow.
Now they are afraid of everything. They do not marry for fear of not being able to build. As soon as they fight, they leave because then they think they are going to find a better one. They always look for perfection, as if it existed.
They miss the perception of reality. Of happiness in the little things.
They do this big demo, thousand-dollar rings, over-the-top video for marriage proposals, and then they miss the moment. That intimate thing that you keep in two, only in two for a lifetime.
This is what they lack. The courage to live life and love for what they are and not for how they imagine it.
With a candy, love and courage, you have for a life together.

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

THE CAFE by Joanne Boyle

by Joanne Boyle

She sat there in her nightdress,
at the cafe down the street.
A blanket around her shoulders,
the same day on repeat.
They knew just where to find her,
every time that she was lost.
The assistant served her tea,
regardless of the cost.
Her children stood and watched,
but they let her eat her bun,
as she reminisced about her life,
and her days of fun.
In her mind she was still twenty,
at least she was today.
But dementia has the power,
to take our moments away.
Mary never forgot the cafe,
where she had met her true sweetheart
the father of her children,
that she forgot at each days start.
Her sweetheart long gone now,
but not in Mary's mind,
she went back to the places,
in the hope for him she'd find.
Her children were so caring,
and approached their mum with care,
they asked if she minded,
if they sat upon the chair.
Mary shook her head.
Her thoughts had now moved on,
the couple looked familiar,
but where had her sweetheart gone?
She then looked at her Son,
and when he asked to take her home.
She looked at him and smiled,
and knew she was not alone.
Joanne Boyle

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Sunday 18 February 2024

KINDNESS by Becky Hemsley

by Becky Hemsley

“But it made you strong!”
How often we are tempted to say this to someone when they’ve been through a difficult time.
And it may well be the case.
But chances are that they are feeling anything but strong. They are likely feeling
And they need someone who recognises that. Someone who - for just a while - can be the strong one for them. Can offer them a shoulder to cry on and an arm to support them.
Yes, when they feel like that, they need to rest.
They need to recharge, recoup and regain the strength they’re being told they have inside of them.
Because what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger. But it sometimes very nearly kills us -
exhausts us
shatters us
weakens us.
They didn’t want to have to be strong.
They wanted life to be kinder.
And as it wasn’t, it might help them more than we realise
If we bring the kindness instead.
Becky Hemsley 2023
Artwork by the talented Kaethe Butcher Illustrations
‘Kindness’ is from 'Letters from Life'

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PLEASE STOP by Becky Hemsley 2024

by Becky Hemsley 2024

Please stop saying sorry…
For the way your hair looks when you take off your hat
For the way your body looks in that outfit
And for the way you use your hands a lot when you talk
Stop apologising…
For the way your teeth show when you smile
And for the noise you make when you laugh
Stop saying sorry…
For not wearing make-up today
For your chipped nail polish
For wearing your favourite sweater again
Stop apologising for things that, to others,
are beautiful and endearing and charming.
Stop making them doubt something when they know it to be true; because they see it and hear it and feel it.
Please stop hating on the things they love most about you and stop undermining their opinion of you.
Stop making them second guess your beauty.
But most of all…
Please stop second guessing it yourself.
Becky Hemsley 2024
Gorgeous artwork by Snehal Pendurkar (@paintingbysnehal on Instagram)
This is a newer poem but if you like it, you might like others from my book ‘Letters from Life’
(this is the UK link but if you search in Amazon, it should be available worldwide)

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

Saturday 17 February 2024


"IN REST THEY REMEMBER" by Donna Ashworth
Some people are slowly taken,
to the other realm.
Not physically, but mentally.
Memory by memory,
they are moved from us,
like a painstakingly slow house-move.
Boxes full of life,
chapters, people, loves.
All packed into a van,
to wait their arrival on the other side
And as these parts are removed,
those left feel lonelier daily.
As though their love is already leaving them.
It is a painful departure, my friends,
this much is sadly true.
But I like to think of the person we knew,
reaching the other side,
once more whole.
And upon arrival they see their boxes,
awaiting them so long,
and they open them up,
the chapters, the memories, the loves,
and reunite with them again.
I can feel that heartfelt joy
and it brings me joy too.
They are not lost for long,
though it may feel so.
In rest,
they remember it all.

Donna Ashworth
Art by the astounding Lisa Aisato, from her book ‘all the colours of life’

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"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley

"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley We have to stop thinking that we’ve failed every time we fall. When babies are learning to walk, we ...