Saturday 17 February 2024

AND WHEN THEY LEAVE by Tahlia Hunter

by Tahlia Hunter

"I cannot control whether or not another person chooses to stay or leave. I can only control how I choose to show up each day and work towards becoming the best version of myself. And so I trust that this person is entering my life for the reason they are meant to at this time and I will treasure their company and let this connection unfold in the way that it is meant to, whether it lasts for a day, a month or a lifetime.
And it matters not whether they leave, as I have learned to love my own company and not need another and I will never leave myself. For this is the foundation for all positive relationships.
And if I truly love another person, then I will want what is best for them, and if that is for them to not be with me, then I will let them go with love, knowing that if they are ever meant to return, they will, and if not, them leaving makes space for those who are still meant to come.
And if I ever find myself missing them, I will remind myself that what I love and admire most in them also exists within me and I can be that for myself now. And every positive emotion I experienced in their presence, I created within myself and can experience just as strongly in their absence.
And when they leave, it is not a reflection of my worth,
it is simply that our paths are no longer aligned
as we are travelling in different directions.
And if I feel that they failed to truly see me or appreciate me,
I will never take their actions personally
and remind myself
that it wasn't that they didn't love me,
but they loved me
from the level from which they could love."
Words by Tahlia Hunter

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Friday 16 February 2024

MY MAN by Jenn Kish

by Jenn Kish

I looked up from the dryer and noticed my man in the kitchen. I was switching over the 200th load of the day. I noticed him chopping onions and peppers preparing dinner for the next day. His boots still sit by the hall, fresh from a long week of work. He cuts and dices, I fold and sort. Together, we keep the house moving.
I stared at the back of his head for a while, the laundry still wet in my hands. I thought about how sometimes he cooks and I cut grass. Sometimes he gets up with the kids and I sleep.
Sometimes I drive and he rides. Sometimes I work and he rests. I dont think there is a way to evenly divide the work load- I just know when it gets too heavy for me, my man always jumps in.
And that’s all that really matters isn’t it? There’s no reason to keep count or record of chores.
Tonight, he cooks while I fold. And the load in my hands feels a little bit lighter.

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by Tahlia Hunter

And on the days
when you struggle to look at yourself
in the mirror,
for you feel dissatisfied by what you see,
Remember that feeling that something is less beautiful
does not make it so.
That you were born beautiful,
and will die beautiful,
for beauty is no two-dimensional thing,
that can ever be captured by an image,
as it encompasses the soul.
And a single flaw
that you believe that you possess
based on what you have been taught
to believe is beautiful
cannot come close
to reflecting
the entire essence of who you are.
And so, if you ever find yourself
fixating on your appearance
and wishing to change
what cannot be changed,
I would suggest, my dear,
that you shift your focus
from the beauty without
to the beauty within,
that shines outward
but originates inside,
that remains with you as you age,
and cannot ever be taken from you
when you die.
And change the mirror of the body
to a mirror of the soul.

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by Joanne Boyle

I wondered where I was,
and where it was you were.
I was in familiar surroundings,
from a time when you were there.
I looked for you My sweetheart.
I wanted to say goodbye.
I looked both high and low,
but there was only I.
Were you hiding within yourself?
Locked inside your grief?
Come say goodbye my love,
come hurry, make it brief.
I waited and I waited,
for you to let me go.
To kiss me one last time,
but you didn't show.
All those years of happy moments,
drowning in your tears.
Let me go my sweetheart,
don't trap me with your fears.
I turned to walk away,
and I saw you standing there,
hiding in my shadows
like you always were.
Watching me in the sunlight,
you liked to see me shine.
You came to say goodbye my love,
now I know you will be fine.

Joanne Boyle

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YOU by Tahlia Hunter

by Tahlia Hunter

Sometimes in life,
What you lose
Is what you gain.
You lose the doubt
So you can find belief.
You shed tears
So you can find hope.
You release fear
So you can find courage.
You let go of the pain
So you can find healing.
You break free from the chains
So you can find liberation.
You cast away darkness
So you can find light.
You relinquish the ego
So you can find humility.
You let go of pride
So you can find authenticity.
You lose the old version of yourself
So you can find renewal.
You leave the past behind
So you can step into the future.
You drown out the noise
So you can find your inner voice.
You unravel complexity
So you can find simplicity.
You lose the judgment
So you can find empathy.
And you lose self-criticism
So you can find self-compassion.

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Artwork by Kate Morgan Art

I LOVE by Becky Hemsley

by Becky Hemsley

I love listening to the rain pitter pattering on the hood of my coat.
I love watching storms dance around the sky from behind a window.
I love feeling the warmth of the sun when I’m sitting in the shade.
And I love hearing the waves crash against the rocks when I’m a mile away from the shore.
I love being reminded how the world lives so loudly, so proudly. That it crashes and falls and burns. And yet, it never fails to get back up and dance.
Yes, I love being reminded that the world is so completely, unapologetically alive.
As long as I’m sheltered and safe.
And I think that’s how we should love others.
I think we should show them how spectacular it is to be alive. What it means to truly see and hear and feel and thrive in this world.
But we should also be their safe space.
So they know that,
if they fall,
if they crash and burn,
there’s someone in their corner
helping them get back up
to dance.
Becky Hemsley 2023
Beautiful artwork by Anna Fila (@after.anki.malowanki on Instagram)
This poem is from 'Letters from Life'

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When a woman wants to teach you a lesson, even Satan sits down to take notes. My neighbour was a big drunk. His wife used to pick him up in bars and in trenches. Her family friends advised her to leave him but she was hopeful that she'll find a solution.
One Saturday she went to pick him again, he was completely drunk. Instead of taking him home, she headed straight to the mortuary. She negotiated with the mortuary attendants to make him lie with the corpses and when he wakes up, help me to teach him a lesson. She then went back home. Fear Women!
When he woke up, he started screaming when he found himself sleeping in the middle of dead bodies. He started screaming and calling for help pleading that he's not dead. The mortuary attendants came laughing and told him that they are used to corpses being brought to the morgue and start practicing witchcraft. They told him to lie down and that he was dead and whatever he was seeing was not in real life but in the other end of living dead.
He continued screaming and the morgue attendants came with an axe and hammer and told him that stubborn corpses are beaten and hacked until they become cooperative. He was told to lie and wait for his post-mortem later that day since his cause of death hadn't been established.
He stayed there frightened in the middle of corpses the whole of that day and Sunday night. On Monday morning they released him and told him to go home, say bye bye to his family and then come back to the morgue for preservation since he was now a mere spirit.
He ran home on foot, straight to the mirror to check if he was seeing himself. His wife pretended not to see him which made him even more worried. He went to the bathroom took a shower, dressed up and carried a Bible. That's when his wife told him that it was a Monday morning and not Sunday.
Several months later he's yet to reveal what happened to him and where he was the 2 nights he wasn't at home. He stopped taking alcohol completely, not even soda, just milk and water. He goes to church religiously.
The power of a woman!

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PATCHWORK by Becky Hemsley

by Becky Hemsley 2020

Your life is like a quilt
And everybody weaves their share
Some weave huge great tapestries
And some weave tiny squares
Some squares bring you laughter
And some will bring you tears
Some are stitched and sewn by those
Who are no longer here
In places there are threads
From people choosing not to stay
And every time you touch these threads
It brings back all the pain
But every little thread
That weaves its joy and pain and fun
Has stitched a quilt together
Of the person you’ve become
And every little tiny part
Has slowly taught you how
To weave your contribution
Into the blanket you have now
So I know there are squares that comfort you
And some that you dislike
But without them all you wouldn’t have
This patchwork of your life
Becky Hemsley 2020
Image created with Bing
'Patchwork' is from the book Talking to the Wild

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Thursday 15 February 2024

TO LOVE A ROSE by Tahlia Hunter

by Tahlia Hunter

“How can you love without pain?” she asked.
“Love is not about ownership, but appreciation.
The secret of love may be found in this rose.
To love the rose
is not to possess it or to pluck it
but to savour its beauty
and witness its magnificence
and in the process,
to be made more beautiful.
This is how you may love even when the one you love is not near you, even when the one you love is no longer with you and even when the one you love knows not of you. Because love is not found outside of you, but is found within you, for it is a way of seeing and engaging with the world.
To love
is to be inspired
and to be transformed for the better.
And so there is no pain in loving, because to love is not to lose anything, but to gain everything.”

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"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley

"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley We have to stop thinking that we’ve failed every time we fall. When babies are learning to walk, we ...