Wednesday 18 October 2023


(author unknown)

She wasn’t strong because she wanted to be, but because she didn’t have any other choice.
When she was at her lowest point, all she could see was the anguish around her heart..
All she felt was the pain from the broken promises and people that walked away.
Her soul was weary and her heart had gotten heavy, and she knew she had to dig her way out of the darkness.
She didn’t know where she’d find a light or even which direction to head, only that she wouldn’t give up until she found peace.
She was tired of being sad and broken hearted, weary of the people that tried to trample her heart for their own pleasure.
No more weakness, no more lies.
She vowed to surround herself with authentic people, the ones she could count on when she needed them most.
She’d rather have five close friends than countless fair weather people..
Her life was too precious to spend any time convincing other people to love her on her terms.
She knew her worth and wouldn’t settle any more for the ones who didn’t make her a priority.
Her kind voice and loving soul was but a sliver of the depth of her amazing person, one that she intended to lock away until someone could see past her pain..
The one who could speak to her soul...
The lost half of a broken circle that was her.
She didn’t need to be fixed, completed or saved.
She just wanted to be loved, on equal terms with respect and passion for the remainder of her days.
Her wants weren’t extravagant or demanding, but her standards were.
She loved fiercely and was loyal to a fault- she expected the same from her loved ones and partner.
She’d been down the broken road too many times to count, and perhaps she’d travel there some more, but she was done chasing love and affection.
A gentleman wouldn’t expect her to chase him, and more importantly, he wouldn’t let her.
Come what may, she’d never be anyone’s “maybe.”
This time, she was holding out for forever.

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Tuesday 17 October 2023

LIFE by Becky Hemsley 2023

by Becky Hemsley 2023

Life in its essence is breaths that we take
Our very next breath is just seconds away
And breathing ensures we survive, we exist
But being alive is a lot more than this
It's climbing a mountain then looking back down
To see where you started and where you are now
It's loving the view that you see from up there
With the earth at your feet and the wind in your hair
It’s meeting with friends to catch up over tea
And laughing until you forget how to breathe
It’s dancing all night ‘til your feet wind up sore
And singing along ‘til your throat feels raw
It’s walking the beach and it's watching the tide
It’s finding a shell to hear oceans inside
It's flying ‘til you can see clouds from above
It's counting the stars and it's falling in love
It's watching the sun rise and watching it set
It’s gathering moments you'll never forget
The moments that teeter and flutter between
A world full of wonder and one of routine
So breathe in and out - it'll keep you alive
But know that you're here to do more than survive
You’re here to let music dance on through your veins
To climb to the top of the mountain again
To see yourself fly and to feel your heart leap
The world is a show and you’ve got front row seats
So in the next seconds, when you breathe on in
Remember the wonder of life that’s within
‘Cause taking a breath keeps you living for sure
But the breath-taking moments?
They’re what we live for ❤️✨
Becky Hemsley 2023
Art by the very talented Lea Androic (@leaandroicart on Instagram)
This one is called Living and can be found in my fourth collection, Letters from Life:

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The Guardian's Prophecy

"The Guardian's Prophecy" (author unknown)
Once, in a village nestled between rolling hills, there was a legend. It spoke of a Guardian, a wise soul with a heart full of kindness, chosen to protect the village in its time of greatest need.
This Guardian was a woman named Elara. Her eyes sparkled with wisdom, and her laughter was like a gentle melody that danced through the village streets. She cared for every living thing, from the smallest sparrow to the tallest oak tree.
One evening, as the sun painted the sky in hues of gold and pink, a tired traveller named Sam arrived in the village. His face was lined with worry, and his eyes held a heavy burden. He had heard of Elara and sought her wisdom.
Approaching the Guardian's cottage, Sam found her tending to a wounded deer. Elara looked up, her eyes kind and understanding. She knew that Sam carried a weighty heart.
"Guardian Elara," Sam began, "I come seeking guidance. The fields have withered, and the river runs dry. Our village suffers, and hope wanes."
Elara listened, her heart filled with empathy. She beckoned for Sam to join her on a stone bench beneath the ancient oak tree. They sat in the quiet shade, the leaves whispering secrets in the breeze.
"My dear Sam," Elara said, her voice gentle as a summer rain, "the land is trying to tell us something. We must seek the answers within."
That night, Elara and Sam sat by the fire, their minds alive with thoughts of the village's plight. As the stars blinked in the night sky, a prophecy began to take shape.
The next morning, Elara gathered the villagers and shared the prophecy. It spoke of unity, of each person lending a hand, of understanding the rhythms of nature.
The villagers listened intently, their hearts stirred by Elara's words. They set to work, tending to the land with care, respecting the river's flow, and cherishing every living thing.
Weeks turned into months, and a transformation swept through the village. The fields, once brown and weary, now burst forth with life. The river flowed strong and clear, mirroring the hope that danced in the villagers' eyes.
Sam watched in awe as the prophecy unfolded. Elara's wisdom had sparked a change that seemed almost magical. The village had found its strength.
One day, as the first blossoms of spring painted the landscape, Sam approached Elara with gratitude in his heart. "Guardian," he said, "you have shown us the way. Your wisdom is a beacon of light."
Elara smiled, her eyes filled with warmth. "Dear Sam, remember, the true power lies within each heart. We are all guardians of the world we cherish."
And so, the legend of the Guardian's Prophecy lived on, not just in stories, but in the hearts of the villagers. Elara had shown them that even in the face of adversity, kindness, unity, and understanding could light the way.
From that day forward, the village thrived, not just because of Elara, but because every villager had become a guardian, protecting the land they loved, and passing down the wisdom for generations to come.

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(author unknown)

A father saw that his 11-year-old son was crying silently. He asked him.
"What's the matter, son?"
The young boy replied.
"My rich classmates mocked, called me son of a gardener. They said that my father lives only on the money he earns from watering and feeding plants for people"
The father paused for a moment, then said.
"Come with me son, let's plant some flowers. It might cheer you up"
He held his hand and walked him to the garden, then he took out some flower seeds, and said.
"Let's carry out an experiment. We will plant two flowers separately. I will care for one, and you will care for the other. I will water mine with clean water from the lake but you will water yours with dirty water from the pond. We shall see the outcome in the weeks to come"
The son was delighted as he joined his father in planting the flowers. It took them some days to finally germinate the flower seeds. They cared for them respectively and watched them grow.
Later on, the father brought his son to the garden, and said to him.
"Look at the two flowers and tell me your observation"
The boy responded.
"My flower looks better and healthier than yours. How is that even possible when your water is cleaner?"
The father smiled, then said.
"That's because dirty water doesn't stop a plant from growing, rather it serves as organic fertilizer to help it flourish.
You see son, there are some people who put you down in life, mock your dreams, and throw dirt on you.
Always remember that there's nothing wrong with you, it is their ego they have to satisfy.
So, don't let the harsh words from people affect you, instead, let it encourage you into being a better person. And doing so, you will be like the plant and will flourish even in the midst of dirt like negativity and harsh words.

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THE MINER'S POEM by Lloyd Davies 16/4/21

by Lloyd Davies 16/4/21

He never talked about it much,
My father in his chair,
He didn’t think I’d understand,
For I was never there.
That explosion in the colliery,
When the roof above gave way,
And buried him and thirteen friends,
That dark and evil day.
He’d been working with his mandrill,
He swung it with such ease,
Clawing hard against the face,
Upon his solid knees.
He was strong and fit and young,
A collier in his prime,
He never felt afraid or scared,
He didn’t have the time.
His flickering lamp lit up the wall,
He carved it like a dream,
Cutting out the precious coal,
From deep within the seam.
A little further up the road,
John Evans gave a song,
As silhouettes of silent horses,
Pulled the trams along.
The thunder rumbled through the air,
Explosions all around,
A flash of lightning through the black,
That trapped them underground.
He heard the timber split above,
A rush of air was felt,
As rock and coal came crashing down,
And crushed him where he knelt.
When he awoke he did not know,
How long he had been trapped,
He lay neck-deep in earth and stone,
And face posts that had snapped.
He couldn’t move and couldn’t see,
In god he put his trust,
He tried so hard to free his chest,
Whilst breathing in black dust.
To keep himself from going mad,
Not wanting life to end,
He imagined he was young again,
And laughing with his friend.
Deep within that pit of hell,
He focused on the joy,
Of running through the meadow,
That he’d played in as a boy.
Seconds passed then minutes passed,
And hours felt like days,
He fell into unconsciousness,
A dim and ugly haze.
When he awoke, they’d got him out,
He lay there in a bed,
The doctor checked him every hour,
Whilst all his friends were dead.
He never talked about it much,
My father in his chair,
He didn’t think I’d understand,
For I was never there.
I watch him as he gazes,
Out the window, at the skies,
Fading scars upon his hands,
And tears in his eyes.
Source: Proud To Be Welsh Group
Written by: Lloyd Davies 16/4/21
Image: Welsh Miners, Pinterest

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(author unknown)

A rich father, wanting his son to know what it means to be poor, made him spend a day with a peasant family

The boy spent 3 days and 3 nights in the fields.
Back in the city, still in the car, his father asked him:
- What about your experience?
- Well - replied the boy....
Have you learned anything? The father insisted
1 – That we have a dog and they have four.
2 – That we have a swimming pool with treated water, which reaches the end of the garden. They have a river, with crystal clear water, fish and other beautiful things.
3- That we have electric light in our garden but they have the stars and the moon to illuminate them.
4 – That our garden reaches up to the wall. Theirs, to the horizon.
5 – That we buy our own food; they grow it, harvest it and cook it.
6 – That we listen to CDs... They listen to a continuous symphony of parrots, crickets and other animals. All this, sometimes accompanied by the song of a neighbour who works the land.
7 – That we use the microwave. What they cook tastes like slow fire
8 – That we, to protect ourselves, live surrounded by fences with alarms... They live with open doors, protected by the friendship of their neighbours.
9 – That we live connected to cell phones, computers, television. They are connected to life, sky, sun, water, fields, animals, their shadows and their families.
The father was very impressed by his son's feelings. Eventually the son concludes
- Thank you for teaching me how poor we are!
Every day, we become poorer and poorer because we no longer observe nature, which is God's great work.

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(author unknown)

One day a farmer’s donkey fell into a well. The animal cried loudly for hours, while the farmer tried to find something to do to get him out.
Finally, the farmer decided that the donkey was old and the well was already dry and needed to be covered anyway; that it really wasn't worth pulling the donkey out of the well..
He invited all his neighbours to come help him. They each grabbed a shovel and began to throw dirt into the well.
The donkey realized what was happening and cried horribly loud. Then, to everyone's surprise, he quieted down after a few shovelfuls of dirt.
The farmer finally looked down into the well and was amazed at what he saw... with each shovelful of dirt, the donkey was doing something incredible: It was shaking off the dirt and stepping on top of the dirt.
Very soon everyone saw surprised how the donkey reached the mouth of the well, went over the edge and trotted out...
Life is going to throw dirt at you, all kinds of dirt... the trick to getting out of the hole is to shake it off and use it to step up. Each of our problems is a step up. We can get out of the deepest holes if we don't give up...
Use the land they throw you to get ahead!!!
Remember the 5 rules to be happy:
1. Free your heart from hate.
2. Free your Mind of distractions.
3. Simplify your life.
4. Give more and expect less.
5. Love more and... shake the dirt, because in this life you have to be a solution, not the problem!

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PRESENTS by Becky Hemsley 2023

(by Becky Hemsley 2023)

I sent you a present last night you know
Though it didn’t address you by name
It was all of those meteors showering, dancing
And falling to earth like the rain
I wrote you a letter last week you know
But it won’t have arrived in the post
I wrote on the bright coloured curves of a rainbow
The reasons I missed you the most
I sent you a message just yesterday
But it wasn’t a message in words
For I spoke to the wind and I taught her our song
And I asked her to make sure you heard
I drew you a picture last Tuesday
But you may not have noticed it there
For I drew round the clouds with the rays of the sun
So they glowed as they hung in the air
No, you may not get gifts like you used to
Or get messages stored on your phone
But I’ll make sure I’m sending something each day
So you know that you’re never alone
And tomorrow I’ll paint something wonderful
I don’t know quite yet what it will be
But I promise you’ll know when you see it
That it’s sent just to you
Becky Hemsley 2023
Beautiful artwork @endmion1 via Instagram
'Presents' is the last poem in the book When I Am Gone:

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"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley

"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley We have to stop thinking that we’ve failed every time we fall. When babies are learning to walk, we ...