Thursday 7 December 2023


Twas the night before Yuletide and all through the glen
Not a creature was stirring, not a fox, not a hen.
A mantle of snow shone brightly that night
As it lay on the ground, reflecting moonlight.
The faeries were nestled all snug in their trees,
Unmindful of flurries and a chilly north breeze.
The elves and the gnomes were down in their burrows,
Sleeping like babes in their soft earthen furrows.
When low! The earth moved with a thunderous quake,
Causing chairs to fall over and dishes to break.
The Little Folk scrambled to get on their feet
Then raced to the river where they usually meet.
“What happened?” they wondered, they questioned, they probed,
As they shivered in night clothes, some bare-armed, some robed.
“What caused the earth’s shudder? What caused her to shiver?”
They all spoke at once as they stood by the river.
Then what to their wondering eyes should appear
But a shining gold light in the shape of a sphere.
It blinked and it twinkled, it winked like an eye,
Then it flew straight up and was lost in the sky.
Before they could murmur, before they could bustle,
There emerged from the crowd, with a swish and a rustle,
A stately old crone with her hand on a cane,
Resplendent in green with a flowing white mane.
As she passed by them the old crone’s perfume,
Smelling of meadows and flowers abloom,
Made each of the fey folk think of the spring
When the earth wakes from slumber and the birds start to sing.
“My name is Gaia,” the old crone proclaimed
in a voice that at once was both wild and tamed,
“I’ve come to remind you, for you seem to forget,
that Yule is the time of re-birth, and yet…”
“I see no hearth fires, hear no music, no bells,
The air isn’t filled with rich fragrant smells
Of baking and roasting, and simmering stews,
Of cider that’s mulled or other hot brews.”
“There aren’t any children at play in the snow,
Or houses lit up by candles’ glow.
Have you forgotten, my children, the fun
Of celebrating the rebirth of the sun?”
She looked at the fey folk, her eyes going round,
As they shuffled their feet and stared at the ground.
Then she smiled the smile that brings light to the day,
“Come, my children,” she said, “Let’s play.”
They gathered the mistletoe, gathered the holly,
Threw off the drab and drew on the jolly.
They lit a big bonfire, and they danced and they sang.
They brought out the bells and clapped when they rang.
They strung lights on the trees, and bows, oh so merry,
In colours of cranberry, bayberry, cherry.
They built giant snowmen and adorned them with hats,
Then surrounded them with snow birds, and snow cats and bats.
Then just before dawn, at the end of their fest,
Before they went homeward to seek out their rest,
The fey folk they gathered ‘round their favourite oak tree
And welcomed the sun beneath the tree’s finery.
They were just reaching home when it suddenly came,
The gold light returned like an arrow-shot flame.
It lit on the tree top where they could see from afar
The golden-like sphere turned into a star.
The old crone just smiled at the beautiful sight,
“Happy Yuletide, my children,” she whispered. “Good night.”

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FRIENDSHIP by Becky Hemsley 2023

by Becky Hemsley 2023

Friendship is the type of love that chooses you.
It is a love that chooses you
when there is nothing to make it stay.
A love that says
"I have seen you at your lowest,
I have seen you at your highest
and I will persevere.
Not because I feel obligated to or because we signed a contract
but simply because you are you. Because you matter to me."
Friendship is the kind of love that doesn't need a lot of grand gestures
but it's the kind that chooses to make small gestures that mean a lot.
It drives out of its way to drop off treats at your door when you're not feeling well.
It sends surprise notes in the mail to say "I'm thinking of you."
It sends messages without needing a reply when you're going through a tough time. Because it knows that you might not have the energy to respond.
But it wants you to know that it's here.
Yes, friendship is the kind of love that chooses to exist.
The kind of love that chooses you for no other reason than the fact that
you are you.
And that's why
it is so incredibly special.
Becky Hemsley 2023
Beautiful artwork by Diana Pedott
'Friendship' is from the new collection here:

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

Wednesday 6 December 2023

The Mystery of the Haunted House by English With Mia

"The Mystery of the Haunted House" by English With Mia
Once upon a time, there was a small town nestled between tall mountains and lush forests. In this town lived three friends: Lily, Ben, and Sam. They loved exploring and solving mysteries together.
One sunny afternoon, they heard a spooky rumour about an old, abandoned house at the edge of town. It was said that the house was haunted by a ghost who rattled chains and made eerie noises at night.
Lily, Ben, and Sam were curious. They decided to investigate the mystery of the haunted house. As the sun dipped behind the mountains, casting long shadows, they made their way to the creepy house.
The old house creaked and groaned in the breeze. Windows were boarded up, and the paint was peeling off the walls. The friends exchanged nervous glances but summoned their courage to enter.
Inside, they found cobwebs hanging from the ceiling, and dust danced in the dim light. Strange sounds echoed through the corridors. But they remembered they were a team and stuck together.
Suddenly, they heard a chain rattling noise from upstairs. Their hearts raced, but they didn't run away. They tiptoed up the creaky stairs, feeling both scared and excited.
At the top, they discovered an old grandfather clock. Its pendulum swung back and forth, causing the chains inside to make spooky noises. They giggled in relief, realizing the source of the mysterious sounds.
But then, they heard a loud thud from the next room. Hesitantly, they peeked in and found a window half open. The wind was slamming it shut, causing the noise. The ghostly rumours were just the sounds of the old house!
Feeling brave and relieved, they laughed together, glad they solved the mystery. They flung open the windows, letting the fresh air sweep away the spooky atmosphere.
The next day, Lily, Ben, and Sam shared their adventure with the townspeople. They explained that the haunted house wasn't haunted at all; it was just old and creaky. The townsfolk were relieved and thanked the brave trio for unravelling the mystery.
From then on, the friends became known as the "Mystery Solvers" in town. They continued exploring, solving puzzles, and bringing smiles to everyone's faces, knowing that sometimes, things are not as scary as they seem.

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"AGING" (author unknown)
You grow old, they told me, you are no longer you, you become distant, sad and lonely.
I didn't answer...
I don't get old, I get wise.
I stopped being what others like me to become, but what I like to be.
I stopped seeking the acceptance of others and accepted myself.
I have left behind the lying mirrors that deceive mercilessly.
- No, I'm not getting old.
I just become more selective with places, people, customs and ideologies.
I have let go of attachments, unnecessary pain, toxic people, sick souls and rotten hearts... bitterness and unhappiness are not for me, I release them for my health.
I'm ditching party nights for learning and embracing insomnia.
I stopped living stories and started writing them, I threw aside the imposed stereotypes.
I no longer carry eyeshadow in my bag, now I have a book that beautifies my mind.
I exchanged wine glasses for coffee cups, forgot to idealize life and started living it.
- No, I'm not getting old.
I carry freshness in my soul, innocence in my heart, and it discovers me daily.
I have in my hands the tenderness of a cocoon that, when opened, will spread its wings to other places unreachable for those who seek only the frivolity of the material.
I have that charming smile on my face when I observe the simplicity of nature.
I carry in my ears the chirping of the birds that delight me and accompany the walk.
- No, I'm not getting old.
I become selective, betting my time on the intangible, rewriting the story I've been told, rediscovering worlds, saving those old books I've forgotten half open.
I'm becoming more cautious, I've stopped the outbursts that teach me nothing, I'm learning to talk about transcendent things, I'm learning to cultivate knowledge, plant ideals and falsify my destiny.
- No, I'm not getting old.
I begin to live who I really am

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

AFTERLIFE by Becky Hemsley

by Becky Hemsley 2022

“In my next life,” said the tree
“I think I’ll be a dragon,
Or maybe be a mountain troll
Who owns a giant tavern
Perhaps I’ll be a little girl
With secret, hidden powers
Or maybe be a tiny ant
That lives amongst the flowers
Perhaps I’ll surf a waterfall
Or burrow underground,
Perhaps I’ll find a heart-shaped balloon
And float up to the clouds
Perhaps I’ll find a rocket
And I’ll fire it into space
Or maybe meet a pirate
With a scar upon his face”
“What do you mean?” I asked the tree
And that is when he said
“You know we’ll all die one day
But our souls will not be dead
So when the world assumes
That I have reached eternal sleep
I’ll worry not because I’ll have
So much life left in me
See, they will take my ever-reaching
Branches in their glory
And I’ll become the pages
Of a many-treasured story
And that is why you’ll often
Find them leafing through the pages
Or turning over new leaves
Of a tale they’ve known for ages
I will not look as I do now –
My life will be rewritten
But they will hear my echo
On the pages if they listen
So if you feel inclined to,
Take a walk into the woods
And take a bag upon your back
Packed with your favourite books
Then find a shady canopy,
A leafy spot to rest
And read the trees the stories
Of the lives they might live next”
Becky Hemsley 2022
Gorgeous artwork by Nanda CorrĂȘa
‘Afterlife’ is from my newest collection, Letters from Life

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-


(author unknown)

Put down what you're doing. Right now.
The knife that cuts the vegetables.
The tool that carves your craft.
The camera that captures your average scene.
Put down what you're doing. Right now.
The pen that writes the list.
The spoon that cools the soup.
The hand that blends the hot and the cold of the bath water so that her tiny feet don't feel a shock on the first dip.
Put down what you're doing right now.
The text that puts the finishing touches
To Saturday nights plans.
So that we can gather our small talk around elephants in rooms that grow bigger and bigger.
As we talk smaller and smaller.
Children are not for resilience
Or for unthinkable trauma
That actually, we must think of.
Or for being trapped in a living nightmare that they'd ordinarily never even have a sleeping nightmare about.
Put down what you're doing right now.
The child you lay to sleep
On silky comforting pillows
After a carefully heated bath.
As she lays her baby down.
On hard surface
The 7 thousandth of 7 weeks.
The wretched scream from the gut of a grieving mother,
Trapped in inescapable horror.
Put down the small words in the small talk
Of your easy Saturday night.
Put down the discomfort you feel when you think of it.
Put down the hard feeling generated by images.
Put down your silence
The echoes of which obliterate compassion.
Put down your silence.
The echoes of which collude shame.
And lift up your courage
To share the image that needs to be shared.
And lift up your solidarity
To offer a parent that needs your offering.
And lift up your heart
To open it to truth.
You are human. They are human.
We are human.

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

The Enchanted Snow Globe by English With Mia

"The Enchanted Snow Globe" by English With Mia
Once upon a time in a little town nestled between snow-capped mountains, there lived a young girl named Lily. Lily loved collecting magical things, especially snow globes. Each one held a tiny world within—a wintery wonderland encased in glass.
One day, while exploring her grandma's attic, Lily stumbled upon a peculiar snow globe hidden in a dusty box. It sparkled under the sunlight, beckoning her to take a closer look. Inside the globe was a miniature village blanketed in shimmering snow. But this wasn’t an ordinary globe; it seemed to radiate a faint glow.
As Lily held it in her hands, a soft voice whispered, "Seek the Crystal Heart to unlock the enchantment."
Confused yet intrigued, Lily decided to unravel the mystery. She asked her grandma about the snow globe, but her grandma only smiled mysteriously and said, "Sometimes, magic finds those who are kind and brave."
Determined to solve the riddle, Lily embarked on an adventure. She set off towards the mountains, where legends spoke of a hidden cave containing the Crystal Heart.
Braving icy winds and frosty paths, Lily climbed higher and higher until she stumbled upon a cavern. Inside, the walls glistened with precious stones, and in the centre lay the Crystal Heart a radiant gem pulsating with otherworldly light.
As Lily reached out to touch it, the heart emitted a bright glow, enveloping her in a warm embrace. Suddenly, she found herself within the snow globe village, surrounded by tiny townsfolk made of twinkling snowflakes.
The villagers cheered, thanking Lily for breaking the enchantment that trapped them. They explained that an evil sorceress had cast a spell, trapping their village within the globe until someone kind and brave came to their rescue.
With the Crystal Heart in her hand, Lily returned home. The moment she placed it beside the snow globe, the villagers burst out, growing into life-size beings, expressing gratitude for their freedom.
From that day on, Lily’s snow globe held a special place in her heart, reminding her of the magical adventure that taught her the true power of kindness and bravery.
And every winter, as the first snowflake danced from the sky, Lily would give the globe a gentle shake, watching the tiny village inside sparkle with joy a reminder of the enchanted adventure that changed her life.

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"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley

"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley We have to stop thinking that we’ve failed every time we fall. When babies are learning to walk, we ...