Saturday 6 January 2024

Grandma, I'm tired. So tired of this life by Elena Bernabè

"Grandma, I'm tired. So tired of this life" by Elena Bernabè

"Take your tiredness, my child, and wrap it around yourself.
Like a blanket in the cold winter months. Tiredness comes to make you a nest, to bring you to wear comfortable clothes, to make you sink into its warm embrace.
I invite you to stay within yourself. Without strength, without thoughts, without actions.
Like the snow that covers everything to soften the world, to make it muffled, to protect it from noise. Accept the flakes of your tiredness and let yourself be completely covered by them."
"I could die buried under there..."
"You will be reborn instead. Like the seed in the ground.
Do not resist your weariness, do not reject it with a thousand actions, a thousand intentions, a thousand feelings of guilt.
It just wants to take you by the hand and lead you to sink into the void. Right there, where the source of every inner strength lies.
They taught us to be strong by resisting. But it is in surrendering that the true heroes emerge."
"I'm afraid, grandmother. What if fatigue will annihilate me?"
"My child, you are not afraid of tiredness but of losing control of yourself.
The time has come for you to give yourself to life. And to generate together with it the most wonderful children: the fruits of your soul !"

Artwork : Hannah Thomas

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by Tahlia Hunter

"I cannot control whether or not another person chooses to stay or leave. I can only control how I choose to show up each day and work towards becoming the best version of myself. And so I trust that this person is entering my life for the reason they are meant to at this time and I will treasure their company and let this connection unfold in the way that it is meant to, whether it lasts for a day, a month or a lifetime.
And it matters not whether they leave, as I have learned to love my own company and not need another and I will never leave myself. For this is the foundation for all positive relationships.
And if I truly love another person, then I will want what is best for them, and if that is for them to not be with me, then I will let them go with love, knowing that if they are ever meant to return, they will, and if not, them leaving makes space for those who are still meant to come.
And if I ever find myself missing them, I will remind myself that what I love and admire most in them also exists within me and I can be that for myself now. And every positive emotion I experienced in their presence, I created within myself and can experience just as strongly in their absence.
And when they leave, it is not a reflection of my worth,
it is simply that our paths are no longer aligned
as we are travelling in different directions.
And if I feel that they failed to truly see me or appreciate me,
I will never take their actions personally
and remind myself
that it wasn't that they didn't love me,
but they loved me
from the level from which they could love."

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The Valentines Meal by Joanne Boyle

"The Valentines Meal" by Joanne Boyle
I called on you tonight,
did you feel me touch your hair?
When you walked into the restaurant
did you know that I was there?
Your smile is that of stardust.
Your hand so soft to touch.
It's time to let me go now,
though you miss me very much.
Your eyes twinkle in the moonlight.
I reach to wipe your tear.
it's OK for you to be there,
as I am no longer here.
I called on you tonight,
and I shall for evermore
For now I'll leave this table, and
walk back through heavens door.

Joanne Boyle

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Thursday 4 January 2024

The Moonstone Mask by English With Mia

"The Moonstone Mask" by English With Mia

In a small village nestled between rolling hills, there lived a young girl named Lily. Lily was known for her kindness and her love for stories. She often wandered into the forest, seeking tales hidden within the rustling leaves and whispering winds.
One day, as she roamed the woods, she stumbled upon an ancient mask crafted from shimmering moonstones. The mask had intricate patterns, resembling the phases of the moon, and it sparkled like a celestial treasure under the sunlight filtering through the trees.
Curiosity tingled within Lily's heart. She carefully picked up the mask, feeling the smoothness of the moonstones against her fingers. The moment she held it, a magical sensation enveloped her. She felt as though the mask held secrets waiting to be unveiled.
As evening fell, she returned home, carrying the moonstone mask with her. That night, while the village slept, Lily placed the mask on her bedside table. To her astonishment, the moonstone mask softly glowed, casting a gentle light that danced across her room.
She reached out tentatively and touched the mask. Suddenly, a mystical melody echoed in the air, filling her room with enchanting music. Mesmerized, Lily found herself transported to a world where the moon itself seemed closer than ever.
In this magical realm, the moonstone mask transformed into a beautiful guardian spirit named Luna. Luna, with her silver-white gown shimmering like moonbeams, guided Lily through the wondrous land.
Together, they ventured across shimmering lakes and fields bathed in moonlight. They encountered creatures of fantasy and heard tales from distant stars. Each encounter filled Lily's heart with awe and wonder.
One evening, as the moon shone brightest in the sky, Luna revealed the mask's purpose. The moonstone mask was a symbol of protection and courage. It held the power to illuminate the darkness and unveil the beauty hidden within.
With newfound understanding, Lily returned to her village, wearing the moonstone mask. She felt a newfound confidence and a sense of warmth emanating from the mask's glow. People marvelled at the change in her, sensing a serene aura surrounding her.
Lily shared her experiences, captivating the villagers with tales of her adventures alongside Luna. She told them of the wonders beyond the mundane, encouraging them to find magic in the ordinary and courage in their hearts.
From that day forward, the moonstone mask adorned Lily's room, continuing to emit a soft, comforting glow. It became a symbol of hope and inspiration for the entire village a reminder that even the simplest things could hold extraordinary magic, and that within each of them lay the power to illuminate the world with kindness and courage.

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OUTNUMBERED by Becky Hemsley 2020

by Becky Hemsley 2020

7 pounds 10 ounces -
They all asked how much you weighed
And an IQ of 100
Makes you average so they say
9 out of 10 in Monday’s test
Piano to grade 5
2 minors in your Friday test
And now you’re free to drive
85’s the pass mark
So you’d better try your best
And if you’re scoring 90
Then you’re destined for success
But grade five doesn’t tell them
Of your favourite song to play
And how much you love is not defined
By how much you might weigh
Seven pounds won’t tell them
You were born to paint the stars
And your test scores can’t explain
How you have come to bear your scars
Two is not nostalgia
When you drive yourself back home
And it’s not the memories you make
With friends out on the road
Eighty-five and ninety
Aren’t the songs you sing when sad
And they’re not the feeling in your heart
When you get up to dance
One hundred doesn’t tell them
That your favourite month’s September
So when you feel outnumbered
It’s important you remember
You are strength and you are kindness
You’re creative and you’re brave
You are things that can’t be measured,
Can’t be counted, can’t be weighed
You’re a name and not a number
You weren’t born to be a score
So don’t let them quantify you
When you’re made of so much more
Becky Hemsley 2020
Gorgeous artwork by Demelsa Haughton Illustration
I haven't shared this one for a while but it's one that means a lot to me - so I thought it was worth another outing

"Outnumbered" is in my first book

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by Joanne Boyle

The breeze through the trees
whispered my name,
It called on me
to play its game.
I could see the light,
through the mornings mist
as each ray beckoned,
I couldn't resist.
I passed growing flowers,
as they came from the ground.
I could hear the birds making
a beautiful sound.
I rose through the air,
the light was my friend.
I saw the hope
that God did send.
I found myself moving
from one season to another.
I passed my Father
as he held my Mother.
I looked around
with hope in my heart
I believe that spring
shall be a fresh start.

Joanne Boyle

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The Night Stalker by English With Mia

"The Night Stalker" by English With Mia
In a small town, there lived a young girl named Lily. She was always curious and loved exploring. But there was something eerie about the old, abandoned house at the end of her street. People said it was haunted and that a mysterious figure, known as the Night Stalker, roamed around there at night.
Lily was brave and didn't believe in ghosts, so one evening, she decided to investigate. She sneaked out of her house and tiptoed toward the old, creaky gate of the abandoned house. The moon was full, casting eerie shadows on the ground.
As Lily approached the house, she heard strange noises—creaks and whispers. Her heart raced, but she reminded herself that there's no such thing as ghosts. She cautiously pushed the rusty gate open and stepped inside.
The inside of the house was dark and musty, and the floorboards creaked with every step she took. Lily's imagination began to play tricks on her. She thought she saw shadows moving in the corners and heard faint footsteps echoing through the hallway.
Just as she was about to turn and leave, a rustling noise came from behind an old, dusty curtain. Lily's heart skipped a beat. She slowly pulled the curtain aside and saw a stray cat, scared and trembling.
Relieved, Lily giggled softly and reached out her hand to comfort the frightened cat. Suddenly, a faint sound echoed from the other side of the room. It sounded like someone sobbing.
Curiosity getting the better of her, Lily followed the sound. She found a hidden door, slightly ajar. She hesitated but pushed it open gently.
Behind the door was a small room. In the corner sat an elderly man, hunched over and crying softly. Lily's heart ached seeing him so sad and alone.
She cautiously approached the man and asked, "Are you okay, sir?" The man looked up, startled. He seemed surprised to see someone there.
With a shaky voice, the man explained that he was once the owner of this house. He had lost everything and had been hiding here, scared and lonely, avoiding everyone.
Lily listened intently to his story. She felt sorry for the man and wanted to help. She told him about her family, her friends, and the kind people in the neighbourhood.
Slowly, a smile crept onto the man's face. Lily's kindness had given him hope. He thanked her and promised to come out of hiding and seek help.
Lily returned home, feeling proud of herself. She realized that sometimes, what seems scary might just be someone who needs a friend. The next day, she told her parents about the man, and together they reached out to help him.
From then on, the town didn’t talk about the Night Stalker anymore. Instead, they welcomed the man back into the community, showing kindness and understanding. And Lily, the brave little girl, learned that sometimes the scariest things hide the most heart warming stories of all.

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The Sinister Ritual by English With Mia

"The Sinister Ritual"
by English With Mia

In a small village nestled among rolling hills, there lived a young girl named Lily. The village was known for its lush forests and warm community. But beyond the village outskirts lay a dark and mysterious forest that everyone warned to avoid. Tales of strange happenings and eerie whispers filled the air whenever anyone mentioned the forest.
One moonlit night, as Lily sat by her window, she heard faint, haunting melodies drifting from the depths of the forest. Curiosity got the better of her, and she decided to investigate. Ignoring the villagers' warnings, she ventured into the forest, her heart pounding with both fear and excitement.
The forest was dense, the trees looming tall and gnarled, casting eerie shadows in the moonlight. As Lily wandered deeper, she stumbled upon a clearing bathed in an otherworldly glow. In the centre of the clearing stood an ancient stone altar, adorned with cryptic symbols etched into its surface.
Mesmerized by the sight, Lily felt a strange pull towards the altar. Suddenly, a group of hooded figures emerged from the darkness, encircling her. Fear clenched her heart as she realized she had stumbled upon a ritual in progress.
The figures chanted in a language unknown to Lily, their voices echoing through the trees. Their movements were synchronized and ritualistic, adding to the chilling ambiance of the clearing. Lily attempted to flee, but she found herself rooted to the spot, unable to move.
As the ritual reached its climax, a surge of energy emanated from the altar, enveloping Lily. She felt a strange sensation coursing through her veins, an otherworldly power that seemed to awaken within her. Fear turned to confusion, and curiosity replaced her initial panic.
In that moment, the lead figure approached Lily, removing the hood to reveal a kind, weathered face. The figure explained that the ritual was a test one that called forth those with a pure heart and courageous spirit. The forest was not sinister; it was a guardian of ancient wisdom.
Lily had been chosen to inherit the wisdom and protect the balance between the forest and the village. She was bestowed with a gift—an ability to commune with nature and bring harmony to the land.
Over time, Lily became the guardian of the forest, respected and revered by both the villagers and the woodland creatures. She learned the ancient ways of the forest, and her connection with nature grew stronger each passing day.
The once-feared forest transformed into a place of wonder and tranquility under Lily's guidance. She shared her wisdom with the villagers, teaching them to respect nature and live in harmony with the land.
And so, the legend of the sinister ritual faded away, replaced by the tale of Lily, the guardian of the forest, whose bravery and kind heart had brought light to the once-darkened woods.

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"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley

"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley We have to stop thinking that we’ve failed every time we fall. When babies are learning to walk, we ...