Saturday 3 February 2024

BAGGAGE by Becky Hemsley

by Becky Hemsley 2021

She opens up her suitcase
And it’s loaded to the brim
She simply doesn’t have the room
To squeeze more baggage in
Her hold-all’s filled with years and years
Of things she has endured
But you think she has no hold-all
‘Cause she acts so self-assured
But just because she’s confident
And acts like she’s alright
It doesn’t mean her baggage
Is inconsequentially light
For though her life looks rosy
It doesn’t mean to say
That she doesn’t carry burdens
That weigh her down each day
She’s fought off many monsters
Often swam up from the depths
She’s walked through many fires
And pulled herself back from the edge
So never think she walks on air
When she’s actually walked through hell
You just don’t know her load is heavy
Because she carries it so well
It's ok to put a few things down sometimes
Becky Hemsley 2021
Baggage is from Talking to the Wild

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by Joanne Boyle

One of the jobs in heaven,
is to blow memories through the air,
like confetti from the sky, that
lands in hearts everywhere.
If you are lucky enough to catch it,
then tend to it with love
as with it comes a memory,
that has fallen from above.
Watch it like a movie,
and watch the characters again,
dancing with your memories,
washing away the pain.
You can put it on repeat,
but when day turns in to night,
but your confetti in your heart,
and whisper, Goodnight.

Joanne Boyle

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AND WHEN THEY LEAVE by Tahlia Hunter

by Tahlia Hunter

"I cannot control whether or not another person chooses to stay or leave. I can only control how I choose to show up each day and work towards becoming the best version of myself. And so I trust that this person is entering my life for the reason they are meant to at this time and I will treasure their company and let this connection unfold in the way that it is meant to, whether it lasts for a day, a month or a lifetime.
And it matters not whether they leave, as I have learned to love my own company and not need another and I will never leave myself. For this is the foundation for all positive relationships.
And if I truly love another person, then I will want what is best for them, and if that is for them to not be with me, then I will let them go with love, knowing that if they are ever meant to return, they will, and if not, them leaving makes space for those who are still meant to come.
And if I ever find myself missing them, I will remind myself that what I love and admire most in them also exists within me and I can be that for myself now. And every positive emotion I experienced in their presence, I created within myself and can experience just as strongly in their absence.
And when they leave, it is not a reflection of my worth,
it is simply that our paths are no longer aligned
as we are travelling in different directions.
And if I feel that they failed to truly see me or appreciate me,
I will never take their actions personally
and remind myself
that it wasn't that they didn't love me,
but they loved me
from the level from which they could love."

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YOU ARE A DIAMOND by Tahlia Hunter

by Tahlia Hunter

"You are a diamond.
A diamond has many facets
reflecting light in different directions.
Each facet represents
a different fragment of yourself
at one age, one time, and one point along your path.
Each person you encounter
sees only one fragment of you
based on what they have heard about you or seen of you
at one stage of your life,
and is never able to fully glimpse who you are.
And so if you should find yourself
feeling ashamed of your past self
or broken or shattered at times,
may you remind yourself of the truth
that each facet of you
no matter how fractured it may appear individually
contributes to the precious jewel that you are;
for the light that you are shines beneath all
and you are never defined
by only one fragment of who you are."

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by Joanne Boyle

The Friend that's Not
I don't ever want to be that friend,
the one that's really not.
The one that never checks in,
the one that's just 'forgot'
I don't want to take the side,
of others I don't know
or to run and gossip,
or to just go with the flow.
I don't want to be that friend,
that doesn't care about the truth,
or doesnt take the time to listen,
and doesn't ask for proof.
I don't want to be that friend,
who doesn't ask what for,
when they see a change of behaviour,
and know there's something more.
I don't want to be that friend,
the one that's just like you,
so instead ill take the time,
to ask what you are going through.
Joanne Boyle

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Friday 2 February 2024


(author unknown)

When you thought I wasn’t looking, I saw you hang my first painting on the refrigerator, and it made me feel so proud and inspired that I immediately wanted to paint another one.
When you thought I wasn’t looking, I saw you feed a stray cat, and it taught me that it’s important to be kind to animals, even if they’re not our own.
When you thought I wasn’t looking, I saw you make my favourite cake for me, and it showed me that the little things in life can be the most special.
When you thought I wasn’t looking, I heard you say a prayer, and it gave me comfort to know that there is someone who is always there for me to talk to.
When you thought I wasn’t looking, I saw you make a meal and take it to a friend who was sick, and it taught me that we all have a responsibility to help take care of each other.
When you thought I wasn't looking I saw you take care of our house and everyone in it, and I learned we have to take care of what we are given.
When you thought I wasn't looking I saw how you handled your responsibilities, even when you didn't feel good, and I learned that I would have to be responsible when I grow up.
When you thought I wasn't looking I saw tears come from your eyes, and I learned that sometimes things hurt, but it's all right to cry.
When you thought I wasn't looking I saw that you cared, and I wanted to be everything that I could be.
When you thought I wasn't looking I learned most of life's lessons that I need to know to be a good and productive person when I grow up.
When you thought I wasn't looking I looked at you and wanted to say,’ Thanks for all the things I saw when you thought I wasn't looking

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(author unknown)

When you grow up, all you ever do is leave. You leave people, situations, and places. You often wonder where home is because you always feel like a fish out of water wherever you go. You make a home for yourself in the city. You decorate it with plants, posters of a treasured rock band, and furniture that you got from the flea market. Sometimes, it gets awfully quiet; other times, it's filled with the voices of your new favourite people. When it gets too silent, you call your Mother 1200 miles away and ask her about her day. You like to listen to her sometimes, but when she asks about yours, you gabble and say you're okay and then bid goodbye. You don't want to trouble her with your issues. It never completely feels like home because you are always missing something—your school friends, the old town roads, your Grandma's pickles, your cousins, evening drives, the smell of your room, and your family.
And when you return to your hometown, you miss the comfort of living in your own place, Sunday brunches, your new friends, going on random trips, meeting strangers, and the view from your balcony. The silence that used to bother you in your new home is something that you crave when you return. You realise that this will never be over, the way that you are feeling. Maybe, you will get used to it when you get older. But right now, you are in your 20s, and life is already hard. And no matter how much you want to feel at home, you often end up missing things you're far away from.
You think that maybe the romantics are right. Maybe, you will find home in some other person, a better half. But the truth is that you will find a piece of you in every place you have ever been, in every person you have ever loved. You paint your nails the way that senior in your school did when you were 12 years old. And there's an album in the corner of your room that your first kiss suggested for you to listen to, and that's how you discovered your favourite rock band. You find your habits lingering in the way your brother arranges his books—separating hardcovers from paperbacks and organising them by colour. Nobody does that, you think.
You realise that blueberry yogurt on toast and little flowers of butter and orange jam isn't your recipe; it's the way your Mother used to make toast for you when you were five. You notice that your best friend still plays your road trip playlist when she drives, and you cook chicken the same way your roommate in college taught you. You share your habit of clicking pictures of flowers by the roads with your Dad, and like your ex, you always check traffic on maps before leaving. Even if you don't talk to them anymore, you will always have tenderness in your heart for people. You will realise that so much of them is you, and so much of you is them.
You realise that's why you can never feel completely at home because a part of your heart is always wandering in some other memory, in a different place that you used to call home. Your love spreads endlessly, and you realise that this is what happens when you have the joy of experiencing so many different kinds of loves and friendships. As you mature, you learn that departing isn't merely about leaving; instead, it's about carrying a piece of others with you and leaving a part of yourself behind. It transforms you into a magnificent collage, a gem woven from the threads of all those you've loved, of all those you are ever going to love.
And someday, that feeling will be home enough.

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BATTLE by Becky Hemsley

by Becky Hemsley

When life feels like a battle
In the middle of a war
And your battle cry’s a whisper
‘Cause your voice has lost its roar
When the shield that you carry
Can’t protect you like it should
And you’re struggling to fire your arrows
Like you normally would
When your armour weighs you down
And you are battered and you’re bruised
When the enemy’s advancing
And you’re sure you’re going to lose
When battle feels exhausting…
Put down your sword and rest
Save your energy
Because the war’s not over yet
But also look around you
To the others in the fray
And listen for the army
That is calling out your name
Tell them you are wounded
That you stumbled and you fell
Because beneath your armour
There’s a chance they cannot tell
Let them cover you
Say that you’ll do the same for them
When they are hurt and wounded
And your strength returns again
For now, retreat a little
From the weariness of war
But remember, you’ve survived
Each battle you have fought before
So give yourself some credit
‘Cause you’ve made it all this way
And I promise you are strong enough
To fight another day
Becky Hemsley 2021
Stunning artwork by Monika Skrzeta
'Battle' is from 'What the Wild Replied'

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Thursday 1 February 2024

WHEN I AM GONE by Becky Hemsley

by Becky Hemsley

When life feels suffocating
And the way ahead too far
Then breath by breath by steady breath
Just stay right where you are
When morning comes in blazing
Threatening to burn the day
Just let the sun in gently
Ray by ray by steady ray
When night intimidates you
And the silence tries to scream
Just rest against the darkness
Dream by dream by steady dream
When life is just too much –
It’s far too loud and far too bright
Then live little by little,
Day by day and night by night
See, I know it all feels heavy
Like a load you cannot lift,
A race you want no part of
And a weight you cannot shift
But when the road ahead is long
And overwhelming you
Don’t push yourself too quickly -
Slow and steady gets you through
Becky Hemsley 2023
Image by
This is from the book 'When I am Gone' but I think it can apply to any difficult day xx

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"ERICA AND HER SHOW N TELL" (author unknown) I’ve been teaching for around fifteen years now. I have two kids of my own, but the b...