Wednesday 26 June 2024

"This is why you are seeing butterflies" by Tahlia Hunter

"This is why you are seeing butterflies" by Tahlia Hunter

There comes a time in your life,
when you seek support
outside of yourself
and you search for a sign
that you are being watched over,
and you begin to see butterflies everywhere.
And these are your symbol
that there is support that exists for you
beyond what you can see with your eyes
for you have never truly been alone,
but always surrounded by love.
For in the times when you felt alone or abandoned,
you were receiving support from angels,
or from passed on loved ones,
rather than from the physical world.
And if you only knew who walked beside you every moment,
you would never feel afraid or unsupported again.”
Artwork by Lucy Campbell

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:- We now have over 1900 e-books on our library shelves for your reading pleasure, so do come along and check us out.

More articles by Su DeNyme (our resident writer) & John A Elliott are available here:

Tuesday 25 June 2024

"DANCE WITH ME" by Joanne Boyle

by Joanne Boyle

Dance with me childhood
when my Mam was here.
Hanging out washing
with her children near.
Cleaning and cooking,
our Dad at the yard.
None of us aware
that times were hard.
Dance with me memories
of winciette sheets.
Of calling for friends
and games in the streets.
Juggling two balls
that bounced off the wall,
Playing out late
until mam did call.
Dance with me youth.
Take me back to the day
of innocence in moments
and imaginative play.
When to speak to our friends
was to knock on the door.
Dance with me, dance with me
Until I can't dance any more.

Author Joanne Boyle Heartfelt

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:- We now have over 1900 e-books on our library shelves for your reading pleasure, so do come along and check us out.

More articles by Su DeNyme (our resident writer) & John A Elliott are available here:


by Joanne Boyle

I thought of you today.
That was nothing new.
I will think of you tomorrow,
and the next day too.
I looked for you today,
as soon as I awoke.
Then my heart reminded me
why it was now broke.
I cried for you today.
I caught my tears in a cup.
I couldn't bare to empty them
so many are now full up.
I walked with you today,
though I couldn't see you there.
But I have now come to accept,
you go with me everywhere.
I shouted at you today.
I asked why you left me here.
Another cup awaited
to catch another tear.
You smiled at me today.
In a memory that I found.
It caught me unaware,
and i fell to the ground.
I had another cup ready
but the tears never came.
Instead I sat with the memory
and you looked the same.
You walked with me today.
We revisited familiar places.
I said "hello," to people passing
with curiosity on their faces.
I said sorry to you today.
You never left me here at all.
You were still by my side.
Just waiting for my call.

Author Joanne Boyle Heartfelt

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:- We now have over 1900 e-books on our library shelves for your reading pleasure, so do come along and check us out.

More articles by Su DeNyme (our resident writer) & John A Elliott are available here:

"THE DAM" by Becky Hemsley

by Becky Hemsley

She’d built herself a dam
So she could hold her tears at bay
A wall of stubborn barricade
To keep the pain away
Her barriers were busyness
Distraction and denial
And ignoring and avoiding’s
How she coped for quite a while
But the trouble was, her dam
Left nowhere for her pain to go
So it sat behind her wall
With nothing left to do but grow
The tightening in her chest
Began constricting every breath
And to battle every painful thought
Took every ounce of strength
The lump inside her throat
Got slightly bigger every day
And before too long she found
She couldn’t blink her tears away
So the pressure kept on building
And the dam began to crack
And it soon became impossible
To hold the water back
So she let the dam burst open
And as she felt the water flow
She realised sometimes all we need
Is just to let it go
Becky Hemsley 2020
Stunning artwork by Demi Chen (@demi.draws on Instagram)
'The Dam' is from Talking to the Wild

 Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:- We now have over 1900 e-books on our library shelves for your reading pleasure, so do come along and check us out.

More articles by Su DeNyme (our resident writer) & John A Elliott are available here:

Monday 24 June 2024


"KEEP YOUR CIRCLE SMALL" (author unknown)
A young girl asked an elderly woman:
"Do I really need friends in life?"
The elderly woman responded:
"Yes. Life is truly very rough. There should be someone by your side with whom you can talk for hours without feeling that they would judge you; on whose shoulders you can cry, one who will give you emotional support. When no one will be there for you, they should be there. One who should help you share the good times and overcome the difficult ones."
The young girl asked:
"Is it true that a fake friend is more dangerous than an enemy?"
The elderly woman responded:
"Yes. It's because you know who your enemy is and you're not going to let them get close to you. But a false friend is pretending while getting your trust. They find out your vulnerabilities, your secrets and your dreams. They know which button to press and how to stab you in the back."
The young girl asked:
"How do I avoid being surrounded by fake friends?"
The elderly woman paused for a short moment, then asked,
"Between a small garden and a forest, which one has more snakes and scorpions?"
The young girl responded:
"The forest, sure!"
The elderly woman smiled, and then said:
"Good! When you keep your circle of friends small like a small garden, the less snakes and scorpions you have to worry about, even rats. The fewer people you hang out with, the fewer problems you have to deal with. When I was young, I had a very big group of friends. But as I grew old and wise with experience, my circle of friends became smaller. I realised that quality outweighs quantity when it comes to friendship. Don’t fool yourself by holding onto the illusion that everyone is your friend. You may have numerous acquaintances, but real friends will always be just a few people you love and trust. The best way to prevent yourself from falling into the fake friend trap is by being more mindful about the size of your circle."

 Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:- We now have over 1900 e-books on our library shelves for your reading pleasure, so do come along and check us out.

More articles by Su DeNyme (our resident writer) & John A Elliott are available here:


"THE WISE MAID" (author unknown)
One day, a queen decided to hold a game among her four maids. She told them,
"The four of you will play a game - some sort of a wonderful game. It is called WWFEF. Whoever wins the game will be rewarded with a glorious dress, some expensive jewelleries and a huge amount of money. Are you ready?"
The four maids were excited to play the game. As they got ready, the queen said,
"Before the game starts, I want you to eat plenty of food as it will be a challenging game. Make sure you fill your stomachs and be confident."
The maids were quickly ushered to a table loaded with delicious food and drinks. They all ate heartily to satisfaction. When they had finished eating, the queen told them,
"Shall we start the game now? Like I said before, the game is called WWFEF... it means 'Who Will Finish Eating First'. You will each be served a bowl of food, and whoever finishes her food first wins the game."
The maids were completely shocked and stunned. They became filled with confusion as they had already filled their stomachs. There was no possibility of them taking on another food. They knew they had no chance of winning.
At that moment, the maids were each served a bowl of food. However, one of them surprisingly rushed through her own food like a hungry lion. She ate hurriedly and finished in a few minutes. She won the game.
The queen looked at her with amazement and asked,
"How come you were able to finish your own food despite having eaten before?"
The maid smiled and said,
"I didn't eat the first food served. I sensed something odd about it, so I poured mine on the floor. To be honest, I always trust my instincts."
The queen remarked,
"You are such a wise young woman!"
Follow your instincts. That's where true wisdom manifest.

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:- We now have over 1900 e-books on our library shelves for your reading pleasure, so do come along and check us out.

More articles by Su DeNyme (our resident writer) & John A Elliott are available here:

Sunday 23 June 2024


(author unknown)

Two years have passed, the world says, "Let go,"
But love, like the river, continues to flow.
It doesn't heed time, nor the whispers of change,
For in my heart, you still remain.
They say you're gone, but I feel you near,
In every shadow, every tear.
The signs you send, subtle but true,
Are the gentle reminders, I'm still with you.
Love didn't pause, didn't cease to be,
It's not bound by the chains of mortality.
It's a flame that burns, through wind and through rain,
A beacon of hope, through loss and through pain.
So I'll hold on, as I always do,
To the love we shared, pure and true.
For you're more than a memory, you're part of my soul,
A love that completes me, that makes me whole.
And though you've crossed to the other side,
Our hearts are still one, not divided by the tide.
For love is eternal, it doesn't end with goodbye,
It's the light in the dark, the bond that can't die.

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:- We now have over 1900 e-books on our library shelves for your reading pleasure, so do come along and check us out.

More articles by Su DeNyme (our resident writer) & John A Elliott are available here:

Saturday 22 June 2024


"THE LEGLESS BEGGAR" (author unknown)
One day, a rich kid was walking with his dad when he saw an old legless beggar on the street, begging for alms. The boy stopped his dad immediately and walked up to the disabled beggar.
"Hey sir, can I ask you a question?" he asked him.
"Yes you can" the old man replied.
Then the boy said.
"What happened to your legs? Why are they missing?"
A look of shame showed on the dad's face as he whispered into his son's ears.
"Hey, you should never ask people inappropriate questions"
The old man heard it. He paused for a moment, then said to the little boy.
"Can I tell you a short story?"
The boy nodded his head. Then old man said.
"It's a true story about a young boy, and you should pay keen attention"
The old man started speaking.
"There was a boy who had a donkey he loved so much. He called him Banjo, and he was his best companion. One day, he went to bathe in the river and had taken the donkey with him for a bath. Unfortunately, a huge crocodile suddenly leaped out of the water and grabbed the donkey, dragging him deep in the water. The boy couldn't save his donkey. He screamed so hard as he watched poor Banjo being killed. He became so angry like a volcano. Burning with anger, he must wreak vengeance, so he jumped into the river to fight the ferocious crocodile. But it didn't turn out good as another crocodile attacked the boy and started devouring him... The end"
Having listened to the story, the kid wagged his head, then asked.
"So, what happened to the boy afterwards? Or was he also killed?"
The old man paused for a moment, then said.
"Over the years, that boy has grown into an old man and he is now me. I just told you a story about myself, thereby answering your question. I survived but lost both legs from the incident"
Both the father and son were marvelled. Then the old beggar concluded.
"My story has a powerful lesson about anger and revenge, you should take away. You should learn to control your anger, or else you would be pushed to inflict vengeance, which would not only hurt others, but also yourself. I was so angry and desperate, I wanted that revenge so bad that I didn't realize how stupid I was. Anger can make you take stupid actions that you would live forever to regret. You see, if I had controlled my anger and walked home after the crocodile ate my donkey, I wouldn't be the 'legless beggar' you see today. It's important you learn to forgive those who hurt you, and move on with your life. Not because they deserve it, but because you deserve peace.

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:- We now have over 1900 e-books on our library shelves for your reading pleasure, so do come along and check us out.

More articles by Su DeNyme (our resident writer) & John A Elliott are available here:

"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley

"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley We have to stop thinking that we’ve failed every time we fall. When babies are learning to walk, we ...