Sunday 7 July 2024

"THE MAN AND THE SNAIL" by Chima Dickson

"THE MAN AND THE SNAIL" by Chima Dickson
A Short Moral Story.
One day, a snail saw a man walking into the woods, then he began to scream for attention,
"Mister! Mister! Come over here! Please, do me a favour! Mister!"
The man suddenly stopped and walked towards the snail, asking,
"What's the matter with you?"
The snail whistled,
"Get me out of my shell, please. I'm so uncomfortable inside it. Please, get me out!"
The man stood, wondering for a short moment, then asked,
"But why? Isn't that funny? Why do you want to come out of your protective shell?"
The snail snapped,
“I told you I feel very uneasy inside it! It's a heavy burden for me to carry all alone! I want freedom! Please, pull me out of this nasty shell!"
The man leaned forward, then whispered,
"You're not serious, are you?"
The snail hollered suddenly,
"Well, I am very serious! I want to be free like other creatures, such as: the slug, the worm, the squid, the octopus, the snake, etc. I wish to move around freely in my environment, but I feel so trapped inside my cursed shell! So will you help me get out of my shell?"
The man paused for a moment, then uttered silently,
"Listen, while you seek freedom, you should understand that your shell is a gift from God to you, a unique gift. It protects you from the harsh environment and even from predators. However, if you choose to come out of it, you will lose that precious gift forever and you will never be able to get back inside it."
Unable to keep the impatience out of his voice, the snail wailed,
"Oh, Mister... I don't care about that, with all due respect! I just need you to do what I told you. Get me out of my shell, please. Now, please!"
The snail persistently begged for a long time, until the man agreed to his request. He picked him up and gently pulled him out of his shell. Although, the process was a bit painful, the snail was happy to have finally gained freedom.
However, as the excited snail began to crawl away, a hungry bird suddenly flew down, struck it hard and swallowed it immediately. Upon seeing that, the man shook his head in pity and walked away.
How easy it is for us to take our blessings for granted. We find it easy to complain and be ungrateful for what we have. We have been blessed in so many areas, yet so often, we dwell on what we don't have and strive to be someone else. We compare ourselves to others, forgetting our innate ability that makes us unique or stands us out from others. We shouldn't be desperate, selfish and cruel to ourselves. The truth is, when we don't understand our worth and value our lives, we tend to lose something special. We need to cultivate a culture where we count our blessings more than we complain. If we sat still and started counting our blessings and naming them one by one, we would never have time to complain or try to be like someone else.

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:- We now have over 1900 e-books on our library shelves for your reading pleasure, so do come along and check us out.

More articles by Su DeNyme (our resident writer) & John A Elliott are available here:

"THE CLOUD ANGELS" by Joanne Boyle

by Joanne Boyle

The cloud angels watched
from their window view.
Eagerly awaiting
to come down to you.
They had heard whispers
In the skies up above,
about mum's and dad's
who had a thing called love.
They longed for their turn.
They had heard it named birth.
They had read story books
about a place called earth.
They kept asking God,
"When can I go?"
and God always answered
"You will just know."
"How will we know?
Will grandparents be there?
Will they love us too
and will they care?"
God smiled at the children
that were yet to arrive.
Where love and protection
would help them to thrive.
Each child would watch,
but in the blink of an eye,
a cloud would transport them
down from the sky.
They were delivered
straight to a heart.
For a lifetime of love
about to start.

Author ~Joanne Boyle~ Heartfelt

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:- We now have over 1900 e-books on our library shelves for your reading pleasure, so do come along and check us out.

More articles by Su DeNyme (our resident writer) & John A Elliott are available here:


by Tahlia Hunter

As I stare into the mirror of my past,
it whispers to me:
“Were you to erase every mistake you ever made
and every past version of yourself you ever were,
then every lesson that you once learned,
and the self that you are now
would cease to exist.
For with every mistake you learn from,
you make one less mistake.
And the mistakes of your past
no longer reflect the person you have become.
As with each mistake you make,
two versions of yourself are born:
who you were before,
and who you are now.
And the memory those from your past have of you
is merely a photograph,
as who you are today
is not who you were yesterday.
For were you to live the same day over again,
with the wisdom you have gained,
you would now choose differently.
This is how it is possible to live thousands of lifetimes within one.
And though you may wish to turn back the hands of time
and live your life once over,
how precious it is
that you may now live the rest of your life this way.

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:- We now have over 1900 e-books on our library shelves for your reading pleasure, so do come along and check us out.

More articles by Su DeNyme (our resident writer) & John A Elliott are available here:


by Margaret Mead

To the living, I am gone,
To the sorrowful, I will never return,
To the angry, I was cheated,
But to the happy, I am at peace,
And to the faithful, I have never left.
I cannot speak, but I can listen.
I cannot be seen, but I can be heard.
So as you stand upon a shore gazing at a beautiful sea,
As you look upon a flower and admire its simplicity,
Remember me.
Remember me in your heart:
Your thoughts, and your memories,
Of the times we loved,
The times we cried,
The times we fought,
The times we laughed.
For if you always think of me,
I will never have gone ..
by Margaret Mead
Artist Credit ; Karel Hendee

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:- We now have over 1900 e-books on our library shelves for your reading pleasure, so do come along and check us out.

More articles by Su DeNyme (our resident writer) & John A Elliott are available here:

"CHASING TOMORROW" by Becky Hemsley

by Becky Hemsley

Today I woke and found myself
With less than yesterday
My life was missing things
I had assumed were here to stay
Things that had seemed little
‘Til they left a giant space,
Left an empty silence
And a longing in their place
And I began to understand
That when push came to shove
I longed for what I’d had
When I’d thought that was not enough
I’d always looked ahead
Was always chasing more and more
Growing so complacent
Of the things I once wished for
Running to tomorrow,
To the weekend, to next year
Forgetting I was lucky
For the things already here
And all this made me realise
That my life can’t buy more time
So maybe I should spend my time
Loving this life of mine
And maybe I’ll be grateful
For the little things I’ve got
That seem inconsequential
But which mean an awful lot
So, tonight I’ll thank the stars
Instead of asking them for more
And I will hope to wake with all
The things I’ve thanked them for
‘Cause now I see that my todays
Are filled with time I’ve borrowed
And I shouldn’t sit around and waste them
Chasing my tomorrows
Becky Hemsley 2023
Gorgeous artwork by Jungsuk Li
'Chasing Tomorrow' is from my most recent collection:

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:- We now have over 1900 e-books on our library shelves for your reading pleasure, so do come along and check us out.

More articles by Su DeNyme (our resident writer) & John A Elliott are available here:

Friday 5 July 2024


by Becky Hemsley

One time I met a woman
With a basket on her arm
A basket filled with patches
And with fabric, thread and yarn
I wondered why she had it all
And so I walked a while
Watching as she greeted
Other people with a smile
I saw her greet a woman
Hanging on by just a thread
And a girl who was unravelling
With each and every step
I watched her as she stitched together
Parts all torn and frayed
And as she tied their loose ends
With the fabric she had made
And then I watched a man
Who told her that he couldn’t cope
He spoke about the heartache
That had snatched away his hope
She listened to him calmly
As she measured out her thread
And then she gently held his arm
And carefully she said
“I’ll hold you for a moment
And I’ll treat your heart with care
And it will feel different,
But perhaps less empty there”
But as I stood and watched her
As she patched his broken heart
I noticed that her dress
Was quietly coming apart
I realised that the hat she wore
Had six or seven holes
And the boots she wore upon her feet
Had barely any soles
The tights she wore beneath her dress
Were laddered and threadbare
And the jacket round her shoulders
Was in need of great repair
And now I saw it clearly:
That she spent her every day
Fixing other people
Making sure they were okay
Patching up and sewing
So that they could feel stronger
When they just couldn’t keep themselves
Together any longer
But she too needed love and care
And she too needed help
Yet she was spending all her time
On everybody else
On making sure that they were fine
To chase their hopes and dreams
Whilst she slowly, without knowing
Came apart
s e a m s
This was my new poem in my June newsletter. A reminder to check in with our loved ones who always look out for everyone else.
Becky Hemsley 2024
Artwork by Anna Ermolaeva ( on Instagram)

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:- We now have over 1900 e-books on our library shelves for your reading pleasure, so do come along and check us out.

More articles by Su DeNyme (our resident writer) & John A Elliott are available here:

"I STOPPED" by Lim Teck Yong

by Lim Teck Yong

I once asked a very successful woman to share her secret with me. She smiled and said to me…
“I started succeeding when I started leaving small fights for small fighters.
I stopped fighting those who gossiped about me…
I stopped fighting with my in laws…
I stopped fighting for attention…
I stopped fighting to meet peoples expectation of me…
I stopped fighting for my rights with inconsiderate people..
I stopped fighting to please everyone…
I stopped fighting to prove they were wrong about me….
I left such fights for those who have nothing else to fight…
And I started fighting for my vision, my dreams, my ideas and my destiny.
The day I gave up on small fights is the day I started becoming successful & so much more content.”
Some fights are not worth your time….. Choose what you fight for wisely.
Author: Lim Teck Yong
Artist: Pepper Tharp

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:- We now have over 1900 e-books on our library shelves for your reading pleasure, so do come along and check us out.

More articles by Su DeNyme (our resident writer) & John A Elliott are available here:

Wednesday 3 July 2024


by Ann Marie

As seasons change and years unfurl,
The heart recalls a vanished world,
A love once close, now far away,
Grows deeper missed with each passing day.
The first year's shock has come and gone,
But absence lingers with the dawn,
The silent spaces speak your name,
In every shadow, still the same.
The laughter shared, the whispered dreams,
The love that flowed in endless streams,
Now echoes in a quiet room,
Where memories dance and softly loom.
They say that time will ease the pain,
Yet here I stand, in grief's refrain,
Missing you more than words can tell,
In every detail, I know well.
Your spirit, though, remains so near,
In every thought, I hold you dear,
A guiding light through darkest night,
A gentle touch when nothing's right.
So here's a verse for you, my love,
A testament to what we're made of,
For missing you is love's own face,
A timeless bond, no years erase.

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:- We now have over 1900 e-books on our library shelves for your reading pleasure, so do come along and check us out.

More articles by Su DeNyme (our resident writer) & John A Elliott are available here:

"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley

"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley We have to stop thinking that we’ve failed every time we fall. When babies are learning to walk, we ...