Thursday 22 June 2023

Are You A WAHMy Mammy? If Not, Why Not?


Are You A WAHMy Mammy? If Not, Why Not?

By © John A Elliott 2023


Ok! Ok ! I hear you saying so what’s a WAHMy? Well to put it simply its an acronym for Work At Home Moms ya’ll. I added the ya’ll to make this more unique.

A little girl came home from school and asked her mother “Are you A WAHMy Mammy?” a bit perplexed and quite bemused, that her precious daughter of six had come out with such a profound statement. “All the other kid’s mom’s at school in my group are WAHMy’s, so are you one mum?” the little girl continued.

“I’m not sure my dear, what’s a WAHMy anyway?” the mother replied.

With hands on her hips and the right foot tapping, as little girls often do, and a small scowl on her young brow, “Moth-errr!” “It’s being a Work At Home Mommy ya’ll of course. Derrr!” and the usual, under the breath “tut”

“Oh right, no my dear in that case I’m not.” Tears welled in her eyes as the young mother’s thoughts drifted to happier times, when they enjoyed the income from her husband’s job, and as a family they could afford everything they needed. Bob her husband was out of state looking for work, and the welfare cheque was barely enough to survive on.

“So my little one, come sit on my knee, and tell mommy all about being a WAHMy, seeing as how you seem to know so much for one so young”
“Ok but Moth-errr, please NO sloppy kisses, I’m growd up now and past all that mushy stuff” The little girl proudly told her mom all about the other children’s mom’s, working from home doing lots of different jobs, and how the other kids mom’s could afford those special treats like they once did, and daddy could come back home again and they’ll all live happily ever after.

Yes little six year olds can certainly come out with the most thought provoking and in depth things at times, as their young minds can be very logical, and not marred by years of preconception’s of what can be achieved and what can’t. There’s an old adage, “Out of the mouth’s of babes” pure thought with no hindrances immerge. The little girl knew nothing of the actual nuances or complexities of working from home for her mother, yet her logic told her this would be ideal, and besides her father could come back again, which in her eyes would be so wonderful as she misses him so very much.


WAHMy mammy’s choose not to take paid work outside the home, so that their family can be their first priority. Whether you are a single parent or within a partnership, trying so desperately to make ends meet, you could so easily become a WAHMy mammy by utilizing better, the skill’s you already have. Find out how You too can take control of your own finances in such a way as you discover how being a WAHM can provide the flexibility, income generation and personal fulfilment you are seeking, by working from home and releasing your full potential. You owe it to your family to be successful, what better motivation can there be to becoming a WAHMy mammy. The story highlighted above is actually fictional, written by me to illustrate this article, but it could easily be true, it could easily be about you and your own family situation.


Now I hear you asking, “Ye right, Ok! So where, how, what’s the catch?..” and my answer in a nutshell, there is no catch, no trick questions, in fact anyone can become a WAHMy or even a WAHDy yes you guessed it a Work At Home Daddy

Everyone has a skill, even something quite basic can be utilized and transformed into a work from home business either locally or globally, it really makes no difference. Selling products from Amazon as an Affiliate for example, you don’t need to bother about carrying or buying and stock, or even worry about shipping. You can build a reasonable mini website free with Google Sites which you can use for any online business.

Don’t think that working from home is going to be a fast, get rich solution to your financial problems, because basically it isn’t, however it is a perfect way to make a little extra each month as a side hustle, just by setting a few hours aside each day to ensure everything is running smoothly.

Of course, you are not limited to just being an Amazon Affiliate. You could easily sell your skills locally too say for Ironing, dog walking, car washing, writing CV’s etc etc

Is today the day you are going to become a WAHMy or a WAHDy?

Brought to you by THE CORNER 4 WOMEN all rights preserved. Please feel free to share this article from and our sister website keep all links active

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