Thursday 15 June 2023


By © J. A. Elliott 2023

Ok, so it was really miserable outside, the usual cold springtime rain was simply throwing it down. It was a Sunday afternoon, nowhere to go, and nothing on TV worth watching either, doh!. How on earth did we ever cope back in my childhood days during the 1950’s and 60’s, without TV’s, video players or DVD’s, no games consoles, tablets or ipads either, only boring board games like Ludo, Snakes and Ladders or the dreaded Monopoly, all guaranteed to get my sisters and me fighting like cats and dogs over who’s cheating or some other triviality. Like who gets the top hat or little dog as their play piece…
I reached out and grabbed the first DVD in my collection, and low and behold, which one did I choose, on top of the pile I might add was ‘GREASE’ a film about a 1950’s high school staring John Travolta and Olivia Newton John, I think it was made way back in about 1978. I thought what the heck, after all it had some great music…
Now then because the film was actually set in America, it reflected nothing of my own school days. After all I left school at 15, and these kids were about 18, never the less, one song in particular sent my memories rushing back to those bygone days of yesteryear somewhere during the 1960’s
In the 1960’s when my sisters were teenagers, they had a passion for dyeing their hair, or at least having it done at the local hairdresser. As for myself, I too had long hair, unlike today, where my parting once was a footpath, it’s now receded to a four lane motorway, and my long flowing locks have long since gone, along with my youth…
Ooops, I’m starting to digress again as I write. Anyhow, back to my story. Christine was next to the eldest and mad about the rock star Cher, and seeing as how she loved wearing her leather jacket, with ‘PIP’ emblazoned on the back, because her boyfriend Paul had a motorbike, which is ‘another story’ for another day, Christine wanted to emulate her rock idol by having her hair dyed jet black and cut in a sort of Egyptian style, just like Cher, and it really suited her because she was always tall and slender too. My second sister Susan had a natural dark brown hair, but often dyed it with a deep auburn colour. Jean was always a mousey blonde, but once bleached it, and she looked like one of the kids out of that film, ‘Village of the Damned’ freaky was the best way to describe her, especially with her pale complexion…
Now to the crux of my story, Pauline, my third sister was born with bright ginger hair and masses of freckles all over her chubby face. The rest of us were fairly slim, but not her, with her nickname of ‘Porky Pauline’. She was so fed up being picked on for her bright orange hair; she decided to have it dyed. The hairdressers around us flatly refused to even attempt any dye on the market for fear of adverse effects, yes just like when Frankie Avalon sang to ‘Frenchy’ about her pink hair, those hairdressers warned my sister that she might end up with a weirdly coloured result. My sister bought a black dye from our local Co-op and some peroxide to first get rid of her original colour.
Well, you could have knocked us all down with a feather when she emerged from our bathroom and took off the bath towel covering her still wet hair, we all fell about laughing, and her hair was now a beautiful shade of lime green. Yes we all laughed except my sister, who stood in tears sobbing over her mishap. Even mum couldn’t help but break into hysterics over the sight of my sisters new hair colour. Now It might have been acceptable if we were Irish and it was Saint Patrick’s day, but alas we were not. Mum rushed my sister to the hairdressers, who also fell about laughing, to have Pauline’s hair cut short into a crew cut style, so the green would grow out much quicker, but she still wore a head scarf to school…
Brought to you by THE CORNER 4 WOMENS MIDNIGHT BOOK CLUB all rights preserved. Please feel free to share this article from and our sister website keep all links intact


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