Saturday 23 September 2023


LISTEN (by Becky Hemsley 2020)

Image created with Dall-E
'Listen' is from Talking to the Wild
Is free to read on Kindle/unlimited

Listen when it’s raining
As the water hits the ground
And you’ll hear a million secrets
That are hidden in that sound
The pitter patter raindrops
Hold the whispered words inside
Of the people who have shared them
With the velvet midnight sky
The drops that pound the pavement
Spill out anger loud and harsh
They’re the words and thoughts of people
Who have cried beneath the stars
The rain that adds to oceans
And their vast capacious flow
Is the grief of people holding on
For fear of letting go
The waters flooding cities
Overwhelming homes and towns
Are the silent words of suffering
Entrusted to the clouds
And when the clouds are heavy
When our secrets fill the sky
When our thoughts are too oppressive
Then the Earth begins to cry
So listen when it’s raining
If you’re quiet then you’ll hear
All the secrets and emotions
That are muffled by Earth’s tears

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