Thursday 26 October 2023

MAYBE by Bal

by Bal

Perhaps you should recognize right now that your journey is not about loving another person.
Maybe right now you need to love yourself first and feel the inner peace of being alone.
Maybe right now you need to figure yourself out and ask yourself why you're rushing things that can wait.
Perhaps now is the time to learn how to sleep without expecting someone to say goodnight and to wake up the next day with a smile and forgiveness.
You will value your personal space as a result, and you will be able to give yourself permission to pursue your passions and realize your dreams without regard for time.
Maybe you're being taught right now that you can take care of your soul on your own and don't need anyone else to do it for you.
Perhaps today marks the beginning of a new version of you, someone who will not take up residence in the hearts of others. Because, darling, I believe you are capable of being your own home. A home that will meet all of your needs and desires. A residence that will never be abandoned. And I hope that one day you will come to believe it as well.
— Bal

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