Friday 6 October 2023


"TEARS OF A GHOST" (author unknown)
He was very rich and kind.
He was treating her like a princess.
But she was not satisfied. She wanted more.
Whenever she was with her friends, they would try to poison her mind.
"That guy doesn't love you" they would say.
At first, she didn't want to listen to them, but after a while, she had to believe their lies.
Her friends were Jane and Helene.
They were jealous of her, but she was not aware.
Helene had visited countless times when she was not around.
At one time, she nearly lured John into having sex with her.
She seduced him and slowly led him to the bedroom.
At this point, John could not resist.
Helene had to use her thighs to keep him from escaping.
So, she wrapped it around his waist while she laid on the bed.
John began to kiss Helene and she was moaning as she wanted more of those wet kisses.
She made sure her thighs were very firm.
With this strategy, He could not escape.
He was trying to wriggle free, but she held her legs tight.
"Kiss me more" She said with a low sexy voice. "You are mine, John. I won't let you leave until you satisfy me.
John would have escaped had it not been for those legs wrapped around his body.
He continued to struggle until he broke lose. Out of anger, she pulled Helene by the leg and pushed her out of his mansion.
" I will be back. You will pay for this humiliation that you made me pass through "
John didn't tell his girlfriend about this incident. He didn't want to spoil their personal relationship.
Mabel was no longer satisfied with anything that John buys for her.
Her friends were already manipulating her.
So, one day, Helene called her and she gave her a special wine.
"If you can give this to your husband, there is nothing you want that he won't give you."
She handed the bottle of wine to Mabel and she left with so much excitement.
On that night, She prepared his favourite food. They ate and gist for several hours.
Then, John carried Mabel in his arms and they went to their bedroom.
She sat on his chest wearing only her underwear with her brazier.
She began to massage his body and to run her hands through his short Nikka which aroused him immediately.
He was ready to enjoy his girlfriend who was still sitting on his belly.
She kissed his lips and licked his ears.
"I love you so much John" She said.
Then, she moved back and at this point, she was sitting on his "sim card" which was already erect.
But before she could kiss him again, John let out a shout cry that threw Mabel out of the bed.
Before her very eyes, her boyfriend was screaming in pain and within a short while, his body exploded and his blood covered the bedsheet and even the walls.
She was on her knees and was completely traumatized.
John's intestines were outside his belly., his two hands were on the ground. His legs too had severed and were also on the ground.
It was only a part of his belly up to his head that remained.
The wine that Helene gave to Mabel was a very powerful poison. She had imported it from China.
She killed John because he was too caring and was taking proper care of Mabel.
She wanted the same thing, but each time she made an attempt, John would not listen or even give her a chance.
So, she made up her mind that if she cannot have John, no body will.
Mabel didn't know that all this while, his friends were jealous of her and wanted to overthrow her.
Helene informed the police who went to John's house for investigation.
They found his body completely decapitated. The whole room was in a mess. It was a horror sight.
They had to arrest Mabel and they took her to the station.
Mabel discovered a book where John had already decided to buy her the latest Benz and also to propose to her on her birthday.
John was also planning to take Mabel and his family to the United States of America.
His plan was to train her in school over there.
But now that he is dead. All those plans won't work again.
Mabel was charged on account of murder and molestation.
She was given a life sentence which meant that she would spend all her life in the prison.
As for Helene and Jane, they disappeared from the country and no one has ever heard from them ever since.
While in the prison, John's spirit would appear to Mabel. His eyes filled with tears.
"I love you Mabel. Everything I planned for you is now a waste. I wanted to change your life. Why did you allow your friends to deceive you
Why ? "
"Am so sorry my sweetheart. I didn't know that the wine was poisoned. I only wanted to make you love me so deeply and to never cheat on me.
Please forgive me"
She could not control her tears.
She wanted to hug John but for the fact that he was a spirit, she could not hold his body.
Both of them began to cry.
The security officers in charge thought that Mabel was crazy.
She was alone in the room, how come she is talking to herself as if someone was with her.
John made Mabel a promise. He said.
"I will always be here with you. I still love you my princess.
I will be visiting you every day until you are released out of this prison.
Only then can I go back to my maker in heaven.
" Am sorry, John "She tried to hug him again, but she couldn't.
John began to shed tears too.

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