Thursday 9 November 2023

And Tomorrow We Will Wake Again

"And Tomorrow We Will Wake Again" (author unknown)

I S E N T them off to school sad today
It was just one of those yucky mornings
Tears were shed, threats were made
Not one of us listened to the warnings
There was yelling I wish I could take back
And patience that was hard to find
The cloud of exhaustion lingered heavy
Trying to function but running blind
I hugged them tight in the final moments
Before waving them over the road
And even though I said I love you
I know that’s not what my actions showed
So now a lump sits hard but idle
In my throat and in my heart
Regret settling like lead in my stomach
A wish for a do over, a restart
As I watch their backpacks sway from behind
I picture them holding back the prickling tears
I tell myself they’ll shake it off before school
Lies I tell myself to squash my mum fears
I’ll replay the morning all day long
Hold myself accountable, question my choices
The guilt will chew me up and spit me out
No silence from my inside voices
And when they walk back in that door
With their arms open ready for a hug
I will tell them I’m sorry for the rough start
And I have no doubt they’ll smile and shrug
‘That’s ok mum, we’re sorry too’
Is the usual response I receive
Their truly hearts live to forgive
Especially after they’ve had time to breathe
Their sorry embrace will fill the cracks
That I carved in my heart all day on my own
The pieces healed in mere seconds
By their love I’m knitted up, resewn
And tomorrow we will wake again
With intention to lace actions with heart
And hope that the goodbye is an easy one
Cos we all deserve a gentler start

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