Tuesday, 28 November 2023

LOST by Becky Hemsley 2023

by Becky Hemsley 2023

My darling, please know this:
Everyone feels differently.
And so we live differently,
love differently and
bear loss differently.
Navigate loss differently.
Grieve differently.
Do not compare your grieving with anyone else.
Their journey will look different, but it does not mean that one of you is going the wrong way.
You are both lost.
Maybe reach out to them.
Let them know that you are here
and that you are feeling lost too.
And whilst you will still take your own journeys,
at different paces and in different ways,
perhaps it will help a little – even if it’s just a very little -
to know that at least there are others
trying to make it down the same road.
Becky Hemsley 2023
Artwork by the very talented Paco Yao
'Lost' is from the book 'When I Am Gone' https://a.co/d/1PqFuzM

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