Wednesday 15 November 2023

SOME BODY by Becky Hemsley

by Becky Hemsley 2022

I’ve teeth that stick out just a little too far
I’ve marks on my body where I’ve gathered scars
I’ve parts of my person that wobble and shake
I’ve imperfect skin on my imperfect face
My hair’s hard to manage - it’s coarse and it’s thick
I’ve stripes on my waist, on my belly and hips
I’ve lines on my forehead and some round my eyes
I’ve dimples and dents that now live on my thighs
And I used to hide, I got used to concealing
I knew all my angles and how I should breathe in
But all of the scars are the times I’ve derailed
And got back on track and lived, telling the tale
The lines on my forehead and those round my eyes
Tell the stories of times that I’ve laughed ‘til I cried
And all of the inches and stripes on my hips
Are from carrying, growing and birthing my kids
My dimply thighs that all wobble and shake
Are the times I’ve said yes to the chocolate and cake
The times I’ve decided a moment means more
Than hiding and shrinking like I’ve done before
See I’m happy and healthy and that is what matters
Not whether I’m scarred for I’m thinner or fatter
‘Cause life is a rollercoaster to ride on
It’s here for us all to enjoy not to hide from
It isn’t a dress size or holiday snap
But moments in time that we’ll never get back
So let’s not spend moments that we can’t replace
Concerned with our bodies, our hair and our face
And let us embrace all the life that we’ve lived
Our bodies are breathing - and that is a gift
Becky Hemsley 2022
'Some Body' is from What the Wild Replied

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