Saturday 11 November 2023

TODAY I SAW A POPPY by Becky Hemsley 2021

by Becky Hemsley 2021

Today I saw a flower -
It reminded me of you
You stood there in the sunshine
With your petals in full bloom
But you were stood alone
There were no flowers of your kind
Standing there beside you
For they had been left behind
In fields that you used to share
With them some time ago
When they became your family
Whilst you helped each other grow
But there were stormy days ahead
With skies all dark and grey
Fields that were torched by lightning,
Flooded by the rain
And though they tried to fight it
There were flowers by your side
That had to lay themselves down
So that others could survive
And I know you feel guilty
That you’re growing on without them
But they need you to keep going
So that you can talk about them
To keep their hearts alive
To share their stories and their names
You know if you were in their place
That you would want the same
You’d want them to chase sunshine
And to camp beneath the stars
To honour you by living
Whilst they kept you in their hearts
So try to stem your sadness
And those guilty tears you shed
‘Cause they live on within you
In your petals bright and red
Yes, today I saw a poppy
It reminded me of you
And every time I see it
I’ll be reminded of them too

A poem I wrote a couple of years ago as a request from a former soldier, who was struggling with the guilt of coming home safely when so many of his fellow comrades didn't.

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