Sunday 17 December 2023


by Tahlia Hunter

And if you should find yourself
feeling low about yourself
and overcome by the weight of the world,
speak these words
to the child within you:
"I will love you, forever and always, as a parent loves their child unconditionally, through the ups and downs of life, the twists and turns, and highs and lows. This temporary experience does not define you, determine your worth, or dictate where you may go. My love for you is as boundless as the ocean and is not dependent on what you do but is for who you are, for you were born worthy when you entered the world and you will leave it worthy. For though the human that you are may lose their way at times, the soul that you are beneath them remains completely perfect, divine and whole.
And though others may tell you
that you lack worth,
no person, event, or situation holds the power
to determine your value
or change the way you see yourself."
And when you find yourself concerned about what others think of you, rest easy, my dear, for people are never thinking about you as much as you think they are. In truth, they are far more focused on themselves, as each person has their own life to live. And each time they do think of you, it is in relation to themselves, not you, and is therefore a reflection of them rather than you. And so do not let your fear of their judgements or perceptions of you prevent you from living your life.
And do not dwell in shame or regret, for all who have walked the Earth and experienced what it means to be human have made what may be considered mistakes and said things that would have been best left unspoken. But were they to never stumble, they would cease to grow or transform. And they would never discover the power that lies within them, through rising from every fall.
And so, may you shift your focus from the past and what has come to pass, to this present moment in which you are completely free from what has already transpired, should you choose to be. For you are born anew entirely in each present moment, and the past version of yourself no longer exists. What counts is who you choose to be now.

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