Tuesday 5 December 2023

REAL by Becky Hemsley 2023

by Becky Hemsley 2023

I’ve cried when I’m happy
And cried when I’m sad
I’ve smiled through the good times
And smiled through the bad
I’ve screamed in excitement
I’ve screamed out in pain
I’ve gasped at the sunshine
And gasped at the rain
I’ve laughed when I’m nervous
And when I’m elated
I’ve sighed with contentment
And when I’m deflated
I’ve sung when I’m lonely
And sung in a crowd
I’ve shouted when angry
And when I’ve been proud
‘Cause whether we’re up
Or we’re riding a low
Our feelings are desperate
For somewhere to go
We can’t keep them trapped
And locked up in a cage -
They force their way out
‘Cause they need to escape
And sometimes we’re told
That emotions are weakness
That feeling is flawed
If we let it defeat us
But how can this be?
Surely this must be wrong
For what could be weak
About something so strong
That it cannot be silenced
Cannot be tamed
Can’t be kept down
And cannot be contained
So when you next shout
Or you laugh or you cry
You scream or you smile
Or let out a sigh
Whatever the reason
Just let yourself feel
We’re not here to be quiet -
We’re here to be real
Becky Hemsley 2023
Artwork by @Hayk Shalunts
'Real' is from my newest collection Letters from Life: https://a.co/d/0R2bBGl

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