Tuesday 12 December 2023

The Little Witch's Big Spell by English With Mia

"The Little Witch's Big Spell" by English With Mia
Once upon a time, in a tiny village nestled between rolling hills and colourful meadows, lived a little girl named Lily. Lily was no ordinary girl she was a witch in training! Her dream was to cast the most magnificent spell the world had ever seen.
Lily had a small wooden wand that she'd crafted herself and a book of spells passed down to her by her grandmother. But despite practicing day and night, her spells always ended up causing small, funny mishaps rather than big, impressive magic.
One sunny morning, as Lily sat outside her cottage practicing her spells, she noticed a group of butterflies fluttering around a nearby flower garden. With a bright twinkle in her eye, she had an idea.
"I'll cast a spell to make the flowers sing!" she exclaimed excitedly.
Lily flipped through her spell book, searching for the perfect enchantment. She found a spell that promised to bring melody to nature. With a determined expression, she waved her wand and recited the words carefully.
"Flowers bright, petals so fine, let your voices intertwine! Sing your songs, let them swell, with a tune that weaves a magic spell!"
As Lily finished the spell, she waited with bated breath. Suddenly, the flowers rustled and began to hum softly. The hum turned into a melodious tune, and soon, each flower was singing a different note, creating a beautiful harmony that filled the air.
Lily clapped her hands in joy, delighted by the sweet music the flowers were making. But as the melody grew louder and more enchanting, something unexpected happened—the flowers began to lift off the ground, dancing and twirling in the air!
"Oh no! This wasn't supposed to happen," Lily exclaimed, a mixture of surprise and concern on her face.
She tried to reverse the spell, but the flowers continued their dance in the sky, painting ribbons of colours against the bright blue canvas. Villagers gathered around, marvelling at the magical spectacle unfolding before their eyes.
Just when Lily was starting to worry, the flowers slowly descended, gently landing back in the garden. The villagers cheered and clapped, amazed by the wondrous sight.
"Thank you, Lily! That was incredible!" they exclaimed.
Lily smiled shyly, happy that everyone enjoyed the unexpected show. She realized that even though her spell didn't turn out as planned, it brought joy to the village.
From that day on, Lily continued her magical studies, learning to control her spells better. And while she never quite achieved the big spell she dreamt of, she discovered something more important—magic was about spreading happiness and wonder, no matter how big or small the spell.
And so, the little witch, Lily, became known in the village for her kind heart and the joy she brought with her whimsical spells.

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