Thursday, 25 January 2024

An Affirmation for a Misfit by Tahlia Hunter

"An Affirmation for a Misfit" by Tahlia Hunter
Though I may feel like a misfit,
in truth, we are all misfits,
for no two people
who walk the Earth
see life
in an identical way.
Though I may feel like an outsider
and struggle to fit in with others,
this does not make me inferior,
for it is simply because
I am surrounded by those
who see the world
so vastly differently from me
that they fail to understand or appreciate me
and I am simply in need
of finding the spaces and places where I belong,
whether that be among people, animals or nature.
When I find myself feeling low,
or questioning my existence,
I may go out into nature
and look at all of the plants, animals and trees
and remind myself
that just as each of them is essential to life,
Life itself
would be incomplete without me
And like all whom have walked the Earth,
I am no lesser or greater than another
and my life is no less precious than another’s.
And while my purpose here
may not always be understood easily by others
it is no less magnificent than another’s.
And in feeling misunderstood,
I am connected
to all who have come before me
who have felt similarly isolated and rejected
yet, nevertheless, found their way
And I too, shall find my way,
for I am not the first
to walk this Earth
and feel like an outsider,
nor will I be the last.
But I may live my life in such a way
that those who come after me,
will feel less lonely and isolated,
for I have left it
a more loving and accepting place for all.
And on the days that I feel discouraged,
I will remind myself of this truth:
“I may never be accepted by others,
but I may always accept myself,
and the one that created life accepts me.
And that is the only acceptance
that I will ever need.”

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