Thursday 4 January 2024


by Tahlia Hunter

Now is the time for you to walk a new path and let go of all that is old and holding you back from getting where you wish to go and becoming who you wish to be. Trust that all that is meant for you will always be for you, all that is meant to be in your life will be there when the time is right and all paths will lead you to where you are meant to be.
And if on the path,
you find yourself feeling discouraged, saddened or let down,
you may repeat to yourself the following:
"All I need I possess within me. I have no need of outside approval or attention. No matter where I presently find myself, I will choose to bring myself peace and closure in this moment. I have no need of searching for love or acceptance from another, for I am love itself and I fully embrace and accept myself.
I will trust that time is a healer, bringing perspective and directing my attention and energy elsewhere. And however angry or discouraged I may be in the present moment, in time, once I have healed, things will look very different. Just because I cannot see or feel it right now, that does not mean it will never come to be.
I do not regret my past missteps and detours
for I am committed to a path of love and growth
and they helped to shape me into who I am today.
And I will embrace periods of temporary rest and inaction,
for a bow must be pulled backwards to shift forwards -
this is how the greatest growth occurs.
While I may feel temporarily wounded, my heart will heal once again,
strengthened far greater than before,
and once healed,
what my eyes cannot glimpse, my heart need not grieve.
And I will choose to shift my focus
from what I cannot control
to what I can create
and from who I once was
to who I wish to be."

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