Tuesday 9 January 2024


by Tahlia Hunter

"You would not open a book
to a random page
and read a few lines
and think to yourself
"These few words that I am reading
define the entire story."
Yet, this is what you do, my dear,
when you let a single experience
of failure or rejection
define you
and your story.
And so there are times in your life
where you must learn to view your life as a story
and zoom out from your current experience,
and remind yourself
"This present phase
that I find myself in
is merely a passing chapter
and I must continue living,
for the story must go on
and in every story,
every problem
will eventually find its solution
or its ending.
And though this present chapter
may be difficult,
it is the chapters of struggle and heartache
that pave the way for chapters of victory and triumph
and make the story worth reading
and there is a future version of me in the story
that is currently experiencing success
that only exists
because the current version of me
was brave enough to fail
and experience rejection and disappointment."
And though you may not control
the events of the story,
always remember
that you are the narrator,
and you may choose to write it as you wish
trusting that some stories
may only be understood retrospectively
for the same chapters
can be interpreted and told differently
when seen through the eyes of the future
rather than the eyes of the past."

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