by Journey of Life
by Journey of Life
Old people don't seem to have much of a place in society. There are jokes about us that portrays us as 'old fashioned, ugly, having stupid ideas, no taste, not modern enough, just a million other things. Young people don't want our furniture or anything that belonged to us. They make fun of us...not just young people but anyone under fifty.
So, I got to thinking...days go by fast and then years...someday the young people's music will be scoffed at, their ideas made fun of and no one will want their furniture. They will be thought to have had no taste and their music was awful and their clothes ridiculous, not to mention hair styles! If you live long enough you will be disrespected.
Think about it. The furniture that you make fun of was modern once and the music was great! The clothes were the latest. In the sixties the young people used the word 'cool' all the time, stainless steel was popular and the furniture that is modern now with the rectangles and so on, was modern then too. The colour aqua that so many love now was a favourite then. I believe it is called some other colour now but believe me it is plain ole aqua.
Painting furniture was popular too. Your grandparents were young once, handsome and beautiful. Like you they loved and probably did many of the things that you do. Take the time to listen to the old people and see them as people. You will be glad you did...
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