Friday 12 January 2024

SO START SMALL by Becky Hemsley 2023

Becky Hemsley 2023

Life can feel a little 'big' sometimes. A little overwhelming. Suffocating.
We can feel like we have huge bridges to cross
or giant mountains to move.
And sometimes it seems as if it's a bridge too far and a mountain too high.
But just remember...
No one crosses a bridge without first taking a few steps.
And no one moves a mountain without first moving a few rocks.
Every big job is made up of lots of smaller ones.
Start small.
Small voices create big change if they don't give up.
Small footsteps walk long journeys if they keep going.
And small bricks can build huge towers if there are enough of them.
So start small.
And one day - without realising - you might find that
you're halfway across the bridge
or that you've moved half the mountain.
And you might find that life has become a little 'smaller'. A little less overwhelming.
And you'll be able to stand on that bridge for a moment.
Stand with the mountain for a minute.
And you'll be able to breathe.
Becky Hemsley 2023
Stunning artwork by Lea Androic (@leaandroicart on Instagram)
From my newest collection

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