Wednesday 21 February 2024

GRIEF IS AN ANCHOR by Becky Hemsley

by Becky Hemsley

I know your grief’s an anchor
And I know it weighs you down
It wants to pull you under
And you’re scared you’re going to drown
The waves are fierce and angry
As they fight against the land
And so you keep on clinging
To the only thing you can
Yes, I know you’re afraid
That if the anchor’s chain is broken,
You’ll lose your only way to stay
Connected to the ocean
But trust me when I say
This sea is deeper than you know
And it will never let you sink
Into the dark below
See, though I know it feels like grief
Is all that has remained
As if the last thing linking us
Is woven in its chains
I promise there is so much more
Beyond this ache that’s left
So fight the urge to let it take
You down into the depths
And don’t be scared to loosen
All your ties to grief because
It’s your heart that keeps you anchored
To the ocean of my love
Sometimes it can feel like grief is the only thing we have left that connects us to our loved ones. So if someone you know is clinging to grief, be patient and be kind. Especially if that someone is yourself.
Becky Hemsley 2022
Artwork by @ededperkins via Instagram
'Grief is an Anchor' is from the book 'When I Am Gone'

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