Thursday 29 February 2024

LEAP YEAR by Becky Hemsley 2024

Becky Hemsley 2024

Today won’t be here next year
Or for two years after that
And we’ll be waiting almost
Half a decade ‘til it’s back
It’s only here ‘til midnight
So we don’t have long at all
Before it leaves like Cinderella
Running from the ball
And then it will be years before
We see it rise again
Before we say hello once more
Like some long-distance friend
And so, perhaps its rarity
Should give us cause to pause:
How much will things have changed for us
The next time this day dawns?
And when it comes around again
I wonder, will we see
That we are in the place in life
We hoped that we would be?
Or will we end up wishing
That four years ago that day
We hadn’t been afraid to chase
The dreams we longed to chase?
Yes, maybe it’s a Thursday
Just like any other week
That passes by then slips and fades
Into a dreamless sleep
But maybe it’s a day for wishing,
Dreaming whilst you wake
And maybe it’s the time
To take those leaps you long to take
Becky Hemsley 2024
Gorgeous artwork by Akira Kusaka Illustration
This is called ‘Leap Year’ and will not even be relevant come tomorrow - not until four years from today. But I think that’s what makes this day pretty powerful actually

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