Friday 23 February 2024

THANK YOU! from Becky Hemsley

 "THANK YOU!" from Becky Hemsley

I just wanted to pop on with a little appreciation post for you all right now 🥰
Because I have spent the last hour packing some of my books into boxes and envelopes, to send out to charities and high schools and libraries in my local area.
The big plan is to be able to keep doing this - to keep throwing the net further and further. Because I think words should be accessible to all.
Every time someone buys my work, I am eternally grateful for two reasons:
1. Because it allows me to keep doing this - something I am incredibly passionate about and which brings me so much joy.
2. Because it tells me you believe in me. And every time I see someone share a photo of one of my books, or each time someone tells me they’ve got one, it lights the fire inside of me that little bit more: the one that often feels threatened of suffocation by self-doubt.
But I won’t ask or beg anyone to buy them. I will never expect anyone to stretch themselves financially to do so, because we can never really know what position people may find themselves in.
So I am always looking for ways to pay it forward. And whilst I can only do it for a tiny pocket of a huge, wide world right now, I truly believe that little ripples can create huge waves. That little actions can create big movements.
And that’s what you’ve given me.
You might think it’s just a like or a comment or a share or a book you’ve bought. But these are ripples.
And you wonderful people…
Well your ripples are making waves.
****** Thank you xx
Becky Hemsley

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