Saturday 10 February 2024

When it comes to grief, remember this by Becky Hemsley

"When it comes to grief, remember this" by Becky Hemsley
You have not broken a bone.
There is no default treatment,
no cure,
no timeline
for your healing.
You cannot strap your heart to the heart next to it
and hope that it mends itself.
You cannot wrap it in a cast
and protect it from further breaking.
You cannot rest it for weeks or months.
You cannot rely on your other heart
like you might a leg or an arm.
You have not broken a bone.
And yet, like a broken bone, your heart will always now have a vulnerable spot. A bruise, a burn, a scar.
And just as your arm can still ache after breaking
when it has been holding too much for too long,
so your heart may ache.
When it has been holding too much.
For too long.
But just as your once-broken arm can still hold things and your once-broken leg can still dance,
so your heart will learn to carry you forward.
Even when it aches.
Becky Hemsley 2023
Stunning artwork by Amanda Cass
From When I Am Gone

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