Wednesday 20 March 2024


(author unknown)

We fall in love with 3 people over the course of our lifetime. Each one has a specific reason. Let me explain...

First loves often occur during youth, and as time passes, we may grow apart or end things due to trivial reasons.

When you get older and more mature you look back and think it was not love. But it actually was.... It was love for what you knew love to be at that point in time.
You have to always remember there are different depths of love.

Now our 2nd Love and this is the hard one....

You get hurt when you fall in love with this person. This one teaches us lessons that we learn from and makes us stronger as a individual.

This love includes a substantial amount of pain, betrayal, abuse, lies, and emotional damage.

But believe it or not, this is the one where we grow the most. We realize what we truly know about love and what we don’t know about love.
So now we put our walls up because we are extremely protective of what the future might hold for us when it comes to relationships.
And naturally we become closed off, suspicious, very careful and slightly scared. But now we know exactly what we want out of a partner and what we definitely do not want.

Our 3rd and final love.

This one comes out of nowhere. No warning. No sign whatsoever. You don’t go looking for this love. It actually finds you. You can put up all the walls in the world, and they will come crashing down just as fast as you built them up in the first place.

You’ll find yourself caring about that person without even trying.
They look nothing like your usual type, but you get lost when you look in their eyes. You don't see any flaws. You see flawless imperfections. You find yourself telling them everything about you and what has melded you into the person you are today.

You want a life with them. You want slow dances in the kitchen, you want walks on the beach under a starry night sky, you want to marry them and have beautiful children that resemble the both of you perfectly.
And every night when you close your eyes before you go to sleep, you catch yourself praying to God and thanking him for the reasons why it has never worked out with anyone else before.

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