Sunday 31 March 2024


"THIS PICTURE TELLS A STORY" (author unknown)
This picture tells a story
of days so long ago
I was just a youth then
and I still had time to grow
This picture tells a story
See that brick built toilet block
Bloody cold in winter time
with ice on seat to shock
This picture tells a story
look up and see chimney stack
not one house has an aerial
It’s 1960-looking back
This picture tells a story
the steps-they are so clean
all of them donkey stoned
the best I've ever seen
This picture tells a story
little girl playing out in street
chaperones not required then
kids today can’t have this treat
This picture tells a story
See cobbles-look hard and stare
won’t see many of those today
they are so very rare
This picture tells a story
See no litter-strewn around
before fast food takeaways
no Cans thrown on the ground
This picture tells a story
my street is no longer there
flattened for road improvements
Planners simply didn’t care
This picture told you a story
of a time good men took a wife
an era of just make and mend
Then technology governed our life

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