Saturday 20 April 2024



Oak trees are one of the planet's oldest and most widespread trees and a crucial source of raw materials. The live oak (Quercus) is a unique species because it remains green and “live” throughout the winter. Early humans used live oak trees to build homes, create tools, and construct ships. Today, people use live oak wood in furniture, flooring materials, and cosmetic creams.
A mature live oak tree can reach around 148 feet (45 m), whereas a typical oak tree averages 60 feet (18.5 m). The mighty tree’s crown is symmetrical, rounded, and dense. The leaves grow thickly and provide a shady haven. One mature, leafy tree can produce as much oxygen in a season as ten people can inhale in a year. We are thankful for these magnificent trees.
You may see an oak tree and think nothing of it, but your view may change after learning some of its beneficial features. We are amazed that live oaks can live up to 1,000 years. Scientists don’t consider them old until they reach the age of 700. Until that age, they continue to grow and produce acorns to multiply offspring. One live oak produces about ten million acorns during its lifetime. Each acorn contains a seed enclosed in a tough shell. Besides being a seed, the oak’s acorns are a primary food source for many birds, squirrels, mice, rats, deer, pigs, and bears.
The live oak is among the most important species in many forests, woodlands, and other ecosystems. These hardy trees survive even the harshest environmental conditions and provide shelter and food for many organisms. The tannic acid in the tree’s leaves and bark protects it from fungi and insects. The thick main stems store water for use during dry periods. Most live oaks have thick bark to protect them from fire. They are beautiful additions to the ecosystems that God has created.

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