Thursday 25 April 2024


by Tahlia Hunter

"Each person in existence,
has their own song that they sing.
For some people you meet,
your songs will blend beautifully together,
while other times,
they will not,
for your souls carry a different resonance
and though you may try to sing in harmony
or in unison,
it is not possible.
And it is not that your song
or their song
is more beautiful,
but simply that they are out of tune with one another,
and there are others with voices
that would blend more beautifully with yours.
And though some songs may fade from your life,
it does not matter,
for you are the main melody,
and others are merely the accompaniment in your life,
just as you are the accompaniment in theirs.
And so, you may continue singing your song,
trusting that it will draw towards you
the people who are singing songs
that will harmonise with yours.
For there is always someone out there
who will match your song,
and when you finally sing together,
you will sing as one.”
Words by Tahlia Hunter

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Artwork by Lucy Campbell

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