Saturday 25 May 2024


"EVERYTHING CHANGED" (author unknown)
The world shifted its axis that day—the sun rising with a different hue, shadows stretching longer. The air tasted of sorrow, and the breeze whispered secrets only the departed could hear.
I stood in the empty kitchen, the coffee pot cold, your favourite mug untouched. The ticking clock mocked me—its rhythm no longer ours. The walls held echoes—your laughter, our whispered dreams. But you were gone, and the silence was a gaping wound.
Outside, the trees swayed, oblivious to my loss. Birds sang, as if life hadn’t fractured. But my heart—oh, my heart—was a mosaic of shattered promises. The bed, once our sanctuary, now cradled solitude.
I touched the photograph on the dresser—the one where your eyes held galaxies. “Why?” I whispered. The answer, carried by the wind, eluded me. The sunflowers in the vase drooped, mirroring my grief.
Friends offered condolences, their words like fragile petals. “Time heals,” they said. But time was a cruel illusion. It stretched and twisted, mocking my longing. I clung to memories—the warmth of your hand, the taste of our shared laughter.
The nights were the hardest. The moon, a silver witness, heard my pleas. “Bring him back,” I begged. But the stars remained silent, their ancient light indifferent to my ache.
And so, I changed. The colours faded—the sky less cerulean, the grass less green. I wore grief like a second skin, its weight pulling me toward oblivion. But somewhere within, a spark resisted—the ember of our love, refusing to be extinguished.
I vowed to honour you—to live, not merely exist. To chase sunsets, write poems, and taste life’s sweetness. You, my soul’s compass, guided me from beyond. “Find joy,” you whispered. “For both of us.”
And so, I stepped into the altered world—the one where you no longer breathed. But your love—the invisible thread—pulled me forward. I danced with memories, kissed raindrops, and whispered to the stars.
Everything changed, my love. But in that change, I found resilience. I became a testament to our story—a survivor of loss, a keeper of dreams. And when the sun dipped below the horizon, I whispered to the night:
“Thank you—for the love that remains, for the courage to endure. Until we meet again.”

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More articles by Su DeNyme (our resident writer) & John A Elliott are available here:

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