Tuesday 14 May 2024

EXAMS by Becky Hemsley

by Becky Hemsley

There are times I’ve been first and times I’ve been last
I’ve aced a distinction, I’ve just scraped a pass
I’ve known every answer that’s been on a test
I’ve sat and I’ve panicked and failed at my desk
I’ve labelled the countries, I’ve dated the wars
I’ve analysed novels and sonnets and more
I’ve been judged by the margins of numbers and letters,
Been told I’ve done well and that I could do better
But I can say this; that I did not learn less
From failure and fault than I did from success
See, we are much more than the answers we give
‘Cause it’s great and it’s grand but it’s messy to live
And we learn so much from this everyday mess
That isn’t included or marked in a test
And when we are gone and they think of our lives
They’ll think of our laugh and the way that we smiled
They’ll think of the memories with us that they treasure
Not grades or our scores or the ways we were measured
But the way that we’d sing and the way that we’d cook
With our head in the clouds or our nose in a book
The way that we loved and the way that we cared
The way that they’ll miss us when we are not there
And not because we got an A or a D,
A first or a last or a one or a three
But because we were funny, because we were kind
That’s how we’ll leave love for those left behind
So when you sit down and you open that test
Yes, read every question and give it your best
But remember, that paper does not define you
So don’t give it that power - whatever you do
Another one for exam season
Becky Hemsley 2022
Beautiful artwork by the inimitable Lisa Aisato

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