Tuesday 28 May 2024


by Joanne Boyle

I fill my cup with happiness,
and sip it throughout the day.
Each time I start to doubt myself,
I drink it and I say.
"This morning I awoke
with blankets on my bed.
I have clean running water,
and a roof above my head.
I have a family who love me.
Friends who really care.
I have a giving heart
that enables me to share.
I have food in my cupboards.
I am good concerning health.
I have more than so many
and for me, that is wealth.
I have my peace of mind.
A conscience that is clear.
I have a caring husband.
A daughter who is dear.
I have ears to hear laughter,
when the Grandkids play.
I have hope in my heart
that gets me through each day.
I have a coat to keep me warm.
I have shoes on my feet.
I have a home to live in,
that keeps me from the street.
So this little cup of happiness,
is more than meets the eye.
It is a cup of mindfulness,
that says, how lucky am I?"
Author Joanne Boyle Heartfelt

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