Tuesday 21 May 2024


by Joanne Boyle

Some stars had fallen from heaven.
They were big, shiny and gold,
and with each one I picked up
there was a story to be told.
The first one was a whisper
sent from heavens friends.
It said "thank you for the memories and
I pray that your heart mends."
The second was from the ladies,
Mother's, sisters and all.
It said they were heavens nurses
and they were happy with their call.
Then we had the male ones,
including our Fathers and our Brothers.
They were there to fix the wings
that had fallen from the others.
The story from the children
just broke my heart in two.
Until they told me about the clouds
that brought them down to you.
After I listened to the stories,
the stars just disappeared.
I saw the sky was blue again
as the darkness had now cleared.
Author Joanne Boyle Heartfelt

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