Monday 20 May 2024

ONCE by Becky Hemsley

by Becky Hemsley 2023

For years, I used a certain mug for my morning cup of tea. One that someone bought me as a present once.
They probably forgot they’d even given it to me.
I once listened to a song on repeat for days because I fell in love with it after someone told me it was their favourite.
They probably forgot they’d even told me that.
I once had an outfit that I wore over and over after someone stopped me in the street to compliment me on it.
They probably forgot they’d even done that.
They probably forgot.
But I didn’t.
I remembered it all, to the point where the mug and the song and the outfit became little things in my life that brought me great joy.
So never underestimate the little things you do every day. The seemingly trivial, forgettable things.
Because, whilst they might be trivial and forgettable to you, I can almost guarantee that
for someone else…
they could be entirely
the opposite.
Gorgeous artwork by Kira Panina
"Once" is from my fourth collection

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