Thursday 2 May 2024

The Love Song of Finley the Fish and Felicity the Frog by John A Elliott 2024

"The Love Song of Finley the Fish and Felicity the Frog"
by John A Elliott 2024

Once upon a time, in the heart of the shimmering Blue Lagoon, there lived a fish named Finley. Finley was no ordinary fish; he had scales that sparkled like moonlit diamonds, and his tail swirled with hues of azure and aquamarine. Yet, despite his beauty, he felt a deep loneliness that echoed through the water.

Across the lily pads and reeds, in a cosy nook by the water’s edge, dwelled a frog named Felicity. Felicity was a lively creature, her skin a vibrant green, and her eyes as bright as emerald gems. She loved to bask in the sun, croaking melodious tunes to the rustling leaves.

One day, as the sun dipped low, casting golden ripples across the lagoon, Finley spotted Felicity. Her webbed feet danced on the water’s surface, and her laughter echoed through the reeds. He watched her from afar, enchanted by her grace and spirit.

“Hello,” Finley ventured, swimming closer. “I am Finley, the fish.”

Felicity’s eyes widened. “And I am Felicity, the frog,” she replied, her voice like the gentle murmur of a brook. “What brings you to my corner of the lagoon?”

Finley’s heart fluttered. “I come seeking companionship,” he confessed. “The water can be a lonely place.”

Felicity tilted her head. “Lonely? But look around, the lagoon teems with life!”

Finley sighed. “True, but none like you. Your laughter is a symphony, your eyes hold secrets, and your leaps, oh, they defy gravity!”

Felicity blushed, her cheeks turning a shade of pink. “And you, Finley, glide through the water like a dream. Your scales shimmer, and your tail, oh, it weaves stories of distant lands.”

And so, beneath the moon’s watchful gaze, Finley and Felicity swam together. They shared tales of sunsets and storms, of tadpoles and minnows. They laughed at dragonfly races and whispered secrets to the lily pads.

But love, like ripples on the water, is never straightforward. Finley yearned to leap onto the shore, to feel the warmth of the sun on his scales. Felicity longed to dive deep, to explore the hidden depths where starfish held their secrets.

One day, as raindrops danced upon the lagoon, Finley confessed, “Felicity, my love, I wish to be with you always. But I cannot leave the water.”

Felicity blinked her dew-kissed eyes. “And I, Finley, yearn for both land and water. How can we bridge this divide?”

They pondered, their hearts entwined like water lilies. And then, inspiration struck. Together, they hatched a plan, a lily pad bridge that connected their worlds. Finley would swim to the edge, and Felicity would hop onto the pad. There, they’d meet, sharing sunsets and moonrises.

And so, every evening, as the sun dipped low, Finley swam to the lily pad, and Felicity hopped onto it. They watched the sky change colours, their love growing stronger with each passing day.

The other creatures of the lagoon marvelled at their devotion—the fish and the frog, bound by more than water. They sang songs of their love, and their tale echoed through the reeds and over the ripples.

And so, in the heart of the shimmering Blue Lagoon, Finley and Felicity found a love that transcended boundaries, a love that danced on lily pads and swirled through the water, forever entwined.

And to this day, if you listen closely, you might hear their love song—a melody of scales and croaks, of moonlit nights and sun-kissed days, a song that reminds us that love knows no bounds, not even those of water and land.

artwork by Dall-E

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More articles by Su DeNyme (our resident writer) & John A Elliott are available here:

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