Sunday 16 June 2024

BE BESIDE ME DADDY by Becky Hemsley

by Becky Hemsley

Walk beside me daddy
Hold my hand when I am small
Watch me as I'm learning
And please catch me if I fall
Sit beside me daddy
And sing songs to make me smile
Teach me rhymes and lullabies
That you knew as a child
Walk beside me daddy
When I'm nervous and I'm scared
Make me feel a little braver
Knowing you are there
Sit beside me daddy
Read me stories, tell me tales
Where light drives out the darkness
And where good always prevails
Walk beside me dad
And help to guide me as I go
Let me make my own mistakes
But teach me what you know
Sit beside me dad
And make me realise I am heard
Let me know you'll always
Be my haven in this world
Walk beside me dad
As I'm becoming who you made me
Through all the highs and lows
You must have been through as you raised me
Sit beside me dad
And let us make each moment last
Let's look towards the future
And speak fondly of the past
Because there'll come a day I know
When our roles will reverse
And it will then be you who needs
To feel held and heard
So I will hold your hand dad
I will answer when you call
And I'll be there to steady you
And catch you if you fall
I'll sing the songs you taught me
As we sit and laugh together
And reminisce about all of
The good times we remember
And if life gets confusing
And you're vulnerable and scared
I'll be brave like you taught me
And I'll make sure I am there
And though the time will come
When you can no longer go on
And life will be a little emptier
'Cause you'll be gone
I'll sit in peace for knowing
I hold so much love inside me
And even when you're gone I know
That you'll still walk beside me
For Fathers' Day

From the book 'Letters from Life'

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