Tuesday 18 June 2024

FROM by Tahlia Hunter

by Tahlia Hunter

"It is the story that you tell yourself
that causes you to suffer
and so when you learn to shift the story,
you will no longer experience pain.
You may change the story from 'I failed'
to 'this was a valuable and necessary part of my soul’s path,
allowing me to gain wisdom that I otherwise wouldn’t have gained.'
From 'I was rejected'
to 'I was being redirected to an opportunity or situation that was a better fit for me, and better capable of appreciating me.'
From 'I was a misfit'
to 'I was simply in an environment that wasn’t in alignment with me or my energy, and I trust that there are those out there who are.'
From 'I was abandoned'
to 'Through being abandoned, I learned to never abandon myself and to always show up for myself when others fail to show up for me.'
From 'I encountered setbacks'
to 'I experienced detours along my path that, although may have appeared disappointing to my human self, were in alignment with my soul's path and I can surrender to a higher vision for the good of all that is beyond what I can presently see.'
From 'I experienced heartbreak'
to 'I discovered how to love unconditionally, even when love isn't reciprocated, and reflect that love to myself.'
From 'I experienced loneliness'
to 'I learned to appreciate and savour my own company, such that my presence is now a gift to others, because I am capable of comforting myself and feeling whole, complete and happy on my own.'
And so when you find yourself feeling pain,
let yourself feel it completely,
and then learn to shift the story that you tell yourself,
and all will be well."

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