Wednesday 26 June 2024


by Tahlia Hunter

“It has been said that we always remain connected
through an invisible thread
to all of those in our entire lifetime whom we have ever loved
and will ever love:
past, present and future
whom we wish to stay connected to.
And though they may not be physically there,
their love for you is,
as time is not linear;
and so, even in the times when you cannot sense it,
that does not mean that it is absent.
And though you may feel that there are people
who are currently in your life
who do not love you,
you may trust that this invisible love always surrounds you
that is with you,
and can never be lost.
And though you may tell yourself,
“I have no need for love,”
love will always find you,
even when you aren’t searching for it.
And just as you would want
nothing but happiness and comfort
for those who have left you,
so too would they want that for you
and so, you must grant it to yourself.
And though there will be many things in your life
that you will forget,
let this not be one of them:
Love does not ever leave with a person.
It has been with you all along.


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