Saturday 29 June 2024


by Ann Marie

In the quiet moments after dusk,
When shadows merge and daylight tucks,
Your essence lingers in the air,
A tender echo of the love we share.
The stars above, they whisper tales
Of endless rides and winding trails,
Where once we journeyed, side by side,
Through life's vast lands, with hearts wide-eyed.
Since you've been gone, the days stretch long,
A silent space where laughter thronged.
Yet in my heart, your warmth remains,
A soothing balm for aching pains.
With every sunrise, I embrace
The memories time cannot erase.
Your love, a beacon ever bright,
Guiding me through the darkest night.
On birthdays past, we'd celebrate,
Our souls entwined, a twist of fate.
Now, candles flicker, soft and low,
Casting light on the path you show.
Though you ride now in realms above,
I feel the whispers of your love.
In every breeze, in songs of birds,
I hear your voice, unspoken words.
So here I stand, amidst the pain,
Knowing love like ours won't wane.
For every moment that I miss,
Is sealed within an eternal kiss.
Brian Hyland "Sealed With a Kiss" (1962)

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