Tuesday 11 June 2024


And on the path of self-acceptance,
These twelve illusions you shall shed:
The illusion of being unwanted:
For, in truth, there is no such thing as an unwanted soul.
The illusion of being unlovable:
For your true self is love.
The illusion of unworthiness:
For you are always deserving of love and success.
The illusion of being weird:
For there is no such thing as normal.
The illusion of needing external validation:
For your worth is never dependent on another's approval.
The illusion of being insignificant:
For your presence impacts all of humanity.
The illusion of being powerless:
For within you lies the strength to shape your destiny and influence the world.
The illusion of not being good enough:
For you were born good enough.
The illusion of being a burden:
For your existence is a precious gift, and your contributions add value.
The illusion of being unsuccessful:
For success is subjective, and your path is uniquely yours.
The illusion of being ugly:
Because that label only ever reflects the viewer being incapable of seeing beauty.
And the illusion that aging decreases your value:
For, in truth, you are not a body but a soul.

Brought to you by https://thecorner4women.com together with our sister website http://www.nicheebookcollections.com and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

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More articles by Su DeNyme (our resident writer) & John A Elliott are available here: https://www.nicheebookcollections.com/TC4W/ARTICLES.html

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