Tuesday 18 June 2024

YOU ARE by Charis Ed

by Charis Ed

You are not your past.
You are not your mistakes.
You are not your background.
You’re not who others say.
You’re not what the world dictates.
You are not the people who are
incapable of loving you,
they may be fighting inner battles
which you do not know.
You are who you choose to be.
You are what you do.
You are the decisions you make.
You are the paths you take.
You are the virtues you keep.
You are the philosophies you create.
You are the love you give away.
You are your purpose.
You are not what happens to you
You are how you choose to respond.
You are who you build
yourself to become.
You decide who you are.
~ Words from 'All The Love You Carry' by Charis Ed
~ Art by Maria Szollosi

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