Sunday 16 June 2024

YOU FEAR by Tahlia Hunter

by Tahlia Hunter

like a ballerina within a box
that if you were to open the box,
people who see you
might not like your dance,
and might ridicule you,
and so, you tell yourself,
it is safer for the box to remain closed.
But you must trust
that the love you hold within for yourself
will be far more powerful
than any fear you feel within,
or judgment you may receive from the outside world,
and the world is in need of the beautiful gift
that only you can share
in your own unique way.
For though it is not meant for everyone,
the ones who are meant to appreciate it,
will find you,
and the ones who are not
will be swiftly removed from your path.
And their opinions
do not determine your worth or potential,
and you should not take their behaviour personally,
for the only people
who truly critique others
from a place of judgment rather than love
are those too afraid to dance themselves.
And while there will be times
when you feel like hiding away from the world,
you may trust yourself to share your gift,
for it is something that could never be taken from you,
as it is encoded in your soul.
And once you begin dancing,
you will discover
that the joy of dancing
is so great,
that it doesn’t matter
who appreciates it or approves of it,
because of the fulfilment that it brings to you.
And though your dance
will not be perfect,
it will still be beautiful,
and will continue to be refined over time.
And though it is natural to feel nervous
the first time you perform onstage,
and every time thereafter,
when you feel afraid,
you must remind yourself
that the purpose of fear
is not to keep you hidden
but to inspire you to take action.
for it is merely energy within you,
that is waiting to be released.
And you can trust yourself enough
when you stumble and fall
to pick yourself up,
hold your head high,
and continue the dance,
for the world is in desperate need
of the beauty and magic
that only you may bring.
Artwork by Annie Hamman Art

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