Monday 1 July 2024

"The Enchanted Locket" by John A Elliott 2024

"The Enchanted Locket"
by John A Elliott 2024

In the quaint village of Mistwood, where ancient oaks whispered secrets and fireflies danced in twilight, lived a girl named Evelyn. Evelyn had eyes like moonstones and a heart that hungered for adventure. She spent her days exploring the mossy forests and listening to the wind’s ancient tales.

One misty morning, as dew clung to spiderwebs, Evelyn stumbled upon an antique shop tucked away in a forgotten alley. Its sign swung on rusty hinges, and the windows were veiled with dust. The bell above the door jingled as she stepped inside, and the air smelled of aged wood and forgotten dreams.

The shopkeeper, an elderly woman with silver hair, greeted Evelyn with a knowing smile. “Ah, my dear,” she said, “you seek more than trinkets, don’t you?”

Evelyn nodded. Her gaze fell upon an exquisite silver locket displayed in a velvet-lined case. Its delicate filigree held a tiny sapphire, its blue depths shimmering like forgotten memories.

“An heirloom,” the shopkeeper whispered. “Passed down through generations. But beware, dear child—it carries a secret.”

Evelyn’s heart fluttered. She purchased the locket, its clasp cool against her skin. As she fastened it around her neck, the sapphire pulsed with life. The mirror on the locket’s back reflected her face, but something else lingered—a hidden doorway.

That night, as moonlight spilled through her window, Evelyn touched the sapphire. The locket trembled, and suddenly, she stood in a moonlit glade. Trees whispered her name, and stars wove constellations above.

This enchanted realm held forgotten magic. Evelyn met luminous sprites who danced on dew-kissed petals and whispering willows that shared ancient prophecies. She followed silver threads that led to timeless lakes, their waters reflecting lost dreams.

But as days turned into weeks, Evelyn missed her cosy room in Mistwood—the smell of rain on her window, her grandmother’s bedtime stories, and the warmth of her quilt. She longed for human connection beyond mystical beings.

The locket appeared, its sapphire glowing. “Two choices remain,” it murmured. “Stay or return.”

Evelyn gazed at the moonlit glade, then stepped back through the locket. The bell above the shop door jingled, and the shopkeeper smiled.

“Did you find what you sought?” she asked.

Evelyn nodded. “I found magic,” she said, “but my heart belongs to both realms.”

And so, Evelyn balanced her life—threads of curiosity and moments of nostalgia. She wove her own tale, one that whispered through moonlit glades and silvered memories.

As for the locket? Well, that remains a secret, waiting for another curious soul to touch the sapphire and discover the enchanted threads that bind worlds together.

art by DELL-E (AI) 2024

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More articles by Su DeNyme (our resident writer) & John A Elliott are available here:

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