Saturday 9 March 2024


Joanne Boyle

I stood in front of you today
and looked you in the eye,
I told you to listen
to these rules that do apply.
It's NOT your fault for wanting,
or expecting some support.
It's NOT your fault that others
don't give you a second thought.
You are NOT to blame,
for that text they didn't send.
You are NOT to blame
for what happens at their end.
That it IS ok, to expect more
from those who say they care.
That it IS ok to feel angry
because you are always there.
That rejection that you feel
Well that's OK too
as long as you remember,
it reflects THEM more than you.
When you Question Why,
I will tell you why?
They don't know what they do,
or care if you cry.
So hold on to this mirror
and when you look me in the eye,
stand up and be counted,
as your feelings DO APPLY.

Joanne Boyle

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

Jigsaw Pieces by Becky Hemsley

"Jigsaw Pieces" by Becky Hemsley

There is no solution to grief.
It is not a problem to be solved or a task to be completed.
It is an unfinished jigsaw. A puzzle with a piece perpetually lost.
You can still tell what the picture is, but there are details missing.
Like the sky missing a cloud or the ocean missing a wave.
It is still the sky.
It is still the ocean.
But it is quietly incomplete.
This is still life.
But it is missing a piece. A piece you will always long for.
And there is no solution to your puzzle because that piece was shaped to
your jigsaw – to your life, to you – and you will never replace it.
It is irreplaceable because it was shaped uniquely by love.
So it is ok that you’ll never quite feel full again.
It’s ok to know that you’ll never feel the true satisfaction of completing
the puzzle.
This is still love.
It is still life.
It is just quietly incomplete.
Becky Hemsley 2023
'Jigsaw Pieces' is from When I Am Gone

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

Friday 8 March 2024

LIKE A GIRL by Becky Hemsley

by Becky Hemsley

She drives just like a girl you know
And throws just like one too
She fights just like a girl as well
She’s just no match for you
She also runs just like a girl
And that’s the way she plays
But when they say “just like a girl”
I think they mean to say
And somehow less
Somehow slower, somehow weaker
They think that if she’s ‘like a girl’
They’ll easily defeat her
But girls will go to battle
When they already are bleeding
And girls are great at throwing themselves
Upwards through glass ceilings
Girls are busy navigating progress,
Driving change
And girls are busy winning
Whilst you criticise their game
So tell her that she’s ‘like a girl’ -
She may just prove you right
She may out-play, out-last you,
Win the race and win the fight
‘Cause she’s a driving force
Fighting for her place in this world
And if you try to talk her down
She’ll rise up
Like a girl
Becky Hemsley 2023
Stunning artwork by @turli_thu_art on Instagram
'Like a Girl' is from my fourth collection:

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

Thursday 7 March 2024

THE FLAME by Becky Hemsley

There’s an order that life is supposed to follow.
An order of breaths we are supposed to take,
as if we are passing a torch from one generation to the next.
And our torch is supposed to go out before our child’s flame is extinguished.
We are supposed to watch them take their first breath.
But not their last.
We are supposed to hear the thud-thud of their heart when it starts beating.
But never the silence when it stops.
That heart that we once carried inside of us. That breath that we gave them. That life that we kept safe, protected.
So when the order of life is disrupted,
when their torch goes out before yours,
it is as if you too have been robbed of your breath
and as if your heart has stopped beating as well.
There is nothing that can make it less painful.
You would happily blow out your flame if it meant theirs could burn.
But you can’t. Even though that’s how it should be.
So all you can do is carry them inside you -
like you did once before.
Except now they have to stay in your heart forever.
And though it hurts,
just know that they are safe there.
They are protected.
Because a mother’s love is unending.
Because it burns forever with every breath you take and
with every beat your heart makes.
Because a mother’s love
is a flame that can
be extinguished.

Becky Hemsley 2023
Beautiful artwork Akira Kusaka Illustration

This is called 'The Flame' and is available on my website as a free download for anyone that needs it ( - especially in the lead up to Mother’s Day

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

Tuesday 5 March 2024

THE SCARLET DAGGER from English With Mia

from English With Mia

"The Scarlet Dagger" In the bustling city of Silverwood, there lived a young thief named Finn. He was known for his quick wit and nimble fingers, navigating the crowded streets with ease as he pilfered from unsuspecting merchants.

One night, while skulking through the dimly lit alleyways, Finn caught sight of a glinting object nestled among the shadows a scarlet dagger, its blade shimmering in the moonlight.

Driven by greed and curiosity, Finn approached the dagger cautiously, his heart pounding with excitement. As he reached out to grasp it, a voice echoed from the darkness.

"Stop right there," a gruff voice commanded.

Finn froze, his hand hovering inches from the dagger. He turned to see a burly figure emerging from the shadows a city guard, his armor gleaming in the moonlight.

"Caught red-handed, eh?" the guard growled, brandishing his sword. "That dagger belongs to the royal treasury. Hand it over, thief."

Finn's mind raced as he weighed his options. He knew the consequences of defying the city guard imprisonment, or worse. But the lure of the scarlet dagger was too strong to resist.

With a swift movement, Finn snatched the dagger from its resting place and bolted down the alley, the sound of pounding footsteps echoing behind him. He raced through the winding streets, ducking and weaving through the throngs of people as he made his escape.

As he reached the edge of the city, Finn paused to catch his breath, clutching the scarlet dagger tightly in his hand. He glanced back at the city lights twinkling in the distance, a mixture of triumph and apprehension churning in his chest.

In that moment, Finn realized the weight of his actions. The scarlet dagger may hold the promise of wealth and power, but it also carried the burden of consequences consequences he may not be prepared to face.

With a heavy sigh, Finn tucked the dagger into his belt and disappeared into the darkness, his mind swirling with thoughts of what lay ahead. For in his possession, he held not just a stolen trinket, but a symbol of the choices he had made and the choices yet to come

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

THE ORACLE'S VISION from English With Mia

from English With Mia

In a small village nestled among rolling hills, there lived a young girl named Maya. Maya was known for her kind heart and gentle spirit, but what set her apart was her mysterious ability to see visions of the future in her dreams.
One night, as Maya slept soundly in her modest cottage, she had a vivid dream. In her dream, she found herself standing before an ancient oak tree, its branches reaching toward the sky like outstretched arms. Beneath the tree, a figure cloaked in shadow beckoned her forward.
"Maya," the figure whispered, its voice echoing like distant thunder. "You possess a gift a gift that can change the fate of our village."
Startled but curious, Maya stepped closer, her heart pounding with anticipation. The figure revealed itself to be the Oracle, a mystical being said to hold the secrets of past, present, and future.
"The future of our village hangs in the balance," the Oracle continued. "But with your gift, you can guide us toward a brighter tomorrow."
Maya listened intently as the Oracle spoke of looming dangers and hidden opportunities. She saw images of crops withering in the fields, of storms raging across the countryside, and of darkness threatening to engulf the village.
But amidst the shadows, Maya also glimpsed moments of hope a community coming together to rebuild, fields blooming with abundance, and laughter echoing through the streets once more.
Awakening from her dream, Maya knew that she had a responsibility to her village. She shared her visions with the village elders, who listened with both scepticism and hope.
Days turned into weeks, and Maya's visions proved to be prophetic. With her guidance, the villagers prepared for the challenges ahead, fortifying their homes against the storm and banding together to tend to the crops.
When the storm finally arrived, it was fierce and relentless. But thanks to Maya's warnings, the villagers were ready. They worked tirelessly to protect their homes and livelihoods, standing united against the fury of nature.
As the storm subsided and the sun emerged from behind the clouds, the village emerged stronger than ever. The fields flourished, the homes stood firm, and a sense of peace settled over the land.
Maya's gift had not only saved the village from disaster but had also brought the community closer together. People from all walks of life came to her for guidance, seeking her wisdom and insight.
In the end, Maya realized that her gift was not just about seeing the future—it was about using that knowledge to make a difference in the lives of those around her. And as she watched the sunset over the tranquil village, she knew that her journey was only beginning.

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

THE TIMELESS VOYAGE from English With Mia

from English With Mia

In a bustling city filled with skyscrapers and bustling streets, there lived a diligent young man named Alex. Alex worked as a delivery driver, navigating the busy roads day in and day out. Despite the monotony of his job, Alex harboured a deep longing for adventure and exploration.
One day, while making a delivery to a dockside warehouse, Alex noticed an old sailboat sitting idly by the pier. The boat, weathered and worn from years of neglect, stirred something within him a desire to set sail and discover the unknown.
With a sense of determination burning in his heart, Alex made a spur-of-the-moment decision. He approached the owner of the boat and struck a deal to purchase it for a modest sum. Excitement coursing through his veins, Alex spent the next few days repairing and preparing the boat for his voyage.
Finally, the day arrived for Alex to embark on his journey. With a backpack filled with supplies and a map in hand, he set sail from the harbour, leaving the city skyline behind him.
As the boat glided across the shimmering waters, Alex felt a sense of freedom wash over him. The salty breeze filled his lungs, and the rhythm of the waves became his companion as he charted a course into the unknown.
Days turned into weeks, and Alex encountered many wonders along his journey a pod of dolphins dancing in the waves, a majestic albatross soaring overhead, and vibrant coral reefs teeming with life beneath the surface.
One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Alex spotted a distant speck on the horizon. Intrigued, he steered the boat toward the mysterious island, his heart pounding with excitement.
As he approached the shore, Alex was greeted by a breath-taking sight a pristine beach fringed with swaying palm trees and crystal-clear waters lapping at the sand. It was a paradise unlike any he had ever seen a place untouched by time.
With a sense of wonder, Alex stepped onto the sandy shore, his feet sinking into the soft sand. He wandered through the dense jungle, marvelling at the exotic plants and curious creatures that called the island home.
As night fell, Alex found himself beneath a canopy of stars, the sound of the ocean lulling him into a peaceful slumber. He realized that his journey had brought him to a place of timeless beauty, a place where dreams could come true and adventures never ended.
With a contented smile, Alex settled down by a crackling fire, the flickering flames casting dancing shadows on the sand. As he drifted off to sleep, he knew that his voyage was far from over—that there were still many wonders waiting to be discovered beyond the horizon.
And so, under the stars and surrounded by the gentle embrace of the ocean, Alex's timeless voyage continued, a testament to the power of curiosity, courage, and the endless possibilities that awaited those who dared to dream.

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-


by Joanne Boyle

A million pictures were taken.
I placed them in my heart.
I often take a peek,
now we are apart.
I could be sitting on a bus,
at home on my favourite chair.
I just take a picture from my heart,
and I find that you are there.
Each picture has a story.
A time that i remember.
I fill my heart with moments,
from January to December.
On the days I miss you most,
I open my heart up wide.
I look through a million pictures,
and I get lost inside.
My heartbeat starts to dance.
You are here again.
Living in a photograph
in a memory without pain.

Joanne Boyle

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley

"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley We have to stop thinking that we’ve failed every time we fall. When babies are learning to walk, we ...