Monday 16 October 2023


(author unknown)

I think one of the most profound things I’ve learned in the last couple of years is letting go of being frustrated or annoyed or stuck in a situation or a mood.
Let me tell you this -> I have been a master at holding onto irritation or a bad mood because if I’m feeling slighted I felt like I needed to stay in it a while in order to let people know that it bothered me.
I know, I know, shouldn’t I just move on?
But I had somehow taught myself over years and years that moving on and forgiving and changing my mood (from irritation or overwhelm to something positive) was a sign that I lost. Or that I was weak. Or that I was basically saying, “I don’t matter so to make sure you see that I’m important I’m going to stay in this mopey, grumpy place for a while.”
If only made things worse.
I would stay at some low vibrational frequency in my attempt to validate my own crankiness and as a result instead of feeling good I just felt awful. It would create problems or I would accomplish little.
But changing my own patterns was really really hard. Even changing a pattern that didn’t serve me.
I worked with my counsellor.
I ran a lot. It helped me think.
I cried.
I weeded the yard a ton. My neighbours must wonder about me sometimes because I am always out there weeding.
I ran some more.
I cleaned.
I wrote.
I played my piano.
I would sit in my closet and remind myself to breathe.
And sometimes I could change it quickly and other times the resentment of having to change it would creep in.
I was resentful.
That was what I discovered. So instead of ignoring it I started to look at that pattern, that response. And I discovered that being truthful with myself helped me unlock and unravel the patterns that kept me down.
I realized I wanted to be heard.
I realized I need time to think.
I realized I want to live with joy.
I realized I matter and because I matter I didn’t want to waste time sitting in frustration or resentment because I’m the end I would resent me and the time lost.
So it took me working to let go.
One breath, one run, one try again.
And gradually that decades old “hold onto everything” has been crumbling.
Sometimes it’s a giant chunk that falls and other times it’s just a fragment and sometimes nothing seems to budge and yet underneath it’s cracking and loosening.
The more I let go, the more joy appears.
The more I let go, the more love appears.
The more I let go, the more hope appears.
The more I let go, the more of me appears.
That’s what was locked behind the not letting go.
It was me.
Waiting to not be bogged down, but to be free enough to know that the chains of not letting go only held me back.
So maybe this resonates with you. Maybe you, too, need to let go just a bit but are afraid. I am telling you that I get that fear.
But I also know your worth.
And you, my friend, are worthy of a heart set free.

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Sunday 15 October 2023

The Sorcerer's Secret

"The Sorcerer's Secret"
(author unknown)

Once upon a time, in a quiet village, far far away, there lived a wise old sorcerer named Elias. He was known for his kind heart and his ability to perform magic that helped the villagers.

One day, a curious young girl named Emily visited Elias. She had heard stories about his magical abilities and wanted to learn from him. Elias was delighted to have a young student eager to learn the ways of magic.

For weeks, Emily visited Elias to learn the secrets of magic. He taught her how to create sparks from her fingertips and how to make objects float in the air. Emily was a quick learner, and Elias was proud of her progress.

As the days went by, Emily became more and more skilled in the art of magic. She could now make flowers bloom with a wave of her hand and make the wind dance to her command. The village was amazed at Emily's newfound abilities.

But Elias had a secret, one that he hadn't shared with anyone in a long time. He had a magical amulet that held incredible power. It was said to grant the wearer the ability to perform the most extraordinary feats of magic.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Elias called Emily to his cottage. He held the amulet in his hands and looked at Emily with a kind smile.
"Emily, you have shown great promise in the ways of magic," Elias began. "It is time for me to pass on this special amulet to you. With it, you can perform even greater feats of magic."

Emily's eyes widened with astonishment. She had heard of the legendary amulet, but never imagined she would be entrusted with it.
Elias placed the amulet around Emily's neck, and instantly, she could feel its power coursing through her veins. It was a feeling of warmth and energy that filled her with a newfound confidence.

From that day on, Emily's magic knew no bounds. She could make rivers change course, make the stars dance in the sky, and even heal the sick with a gentle touch.
Word spread far and wide about Emily's extraordinary abilities. People travelled from distant lands to witness her incredible feats of magic. The village that was once quiet now buzzed with excitement and wonder.

But Emily never forgot the kind sorcerer who had believed in her. She visited Elias often, seeking his guidance and sharing stories of her magical adventures.

And so, the village thrived under Emily's benevolent magic, and the memory of the wise sorcerer Elias lived on in the heart of the extraordinary young girl who had once come seeking knowledge and had discovered a secret that changed her life forever.

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Beyond Prettiness - The Empowerment of Women in a World Beyond Beauty Standards by John. A Elliott 2023

"Beyond Prettiness - The Empowerment of Women in a World Beyond Beauty Standards"
(by John A. Elliott 2023)

In a society that often places a significant emphasis on physical appearance and societal norms, the notion that one doesn't have to be "pretty" holds immense value. The words, "You don't have to be pretty. You don't owe prettiness to anyone," have transcended the boundaries of a simple assertion and have become a mantra for many individuals seeking to reclaim their agency in a world fraught with unrealistic beauty standards. In this article, we will explore the deeper implications of this statement, dissecting the societal pressures it addresses and the empowerment it provides to women.

Breaking Free from the Conventional Notion of Prettiness

"You don't have to be pretty" challenges the conventional narrative that has long dictated that women should prioritize their appearance to gain approval or validation. It underscores the idea that a woman's worth extends far beyond her physical attributes, emphasizing that beauty is not an obligation but rather a choice.

The Weight of Expectations

Women often find themselves navigating a complex web of expectations. They are expected to adhere to societal norms, conform to idealized standards of beauty, and meet the demands of various roles they play in their lives, be it as partners, mothers, or professionals. These expectations can create an overwhelming burden, making it seem as though women are perpetually on display, expected to be attractive and presentable at all times.

Dispelling the Notion of Owing Prettiness

The statement, "You don't owe prettiness to anyone," eloquently dispels the notion that women owe their appearance to others. The idea of "owing" implies a debt, a sense of obligation that should be fulfilled. By declaring that women don't owe prettiness, this statement liberates women from the shackles of societal expectations. They are no longer obligated to meet the standards imposed by external forces, be it their partners, family, or society at large.

Empowering Relationships

This statement also challenges the dynamics of personal relationships. Whether it's a boyfriend, spouse, or partner, the pressure to conform to beauty standards can be oppressive. It highlights the importance of forming relationships that value a woman for her qualities, skills, intelligence, and character, rather than merely her physical appearance.

Navigating the Workplace

In the professional realm, women often face a different set of expectations, including dressing and presenting themselves in a certain way to succeed. The assertion that "you don't owe prettiness" challenges these expectations, encouraging women to focus on their skills, knowledge, and contributions, rather than their looks.

Resisting Objectification

Moreover, the statement resists the objectification of women, particularly by "random men on the street." It underscores the importance of personal boundaries, respect, and consent, reminding society that women are not public property meant for visual scrutiny or commentary.

Maternal and Societal Roles

The declaration also has implications for women's roles as mothers and caretakers. It emphasizes that motherhood does not require adherence to superficial standards. Instead, it encourages women to embrace their own identities and well-being, enabling them to be better role models for their children and inspiring future generations to break free from the confinement of traditional gender roles.

The phrase "You don't have to be pretty" stands as a powerful testament to the ongoing struggle for gender equality and empowerment. It challenges the deeply ingrained expectations and pressures placed on women, fostering a sense of agency and self-worth that transcends physical appearance. It encourages women to define themselves on their own terms, prioritize their well-being, and lead authentic, fulfilling lives free from the constraints of societal beauty standards. Ultimately, it is a call to action, reminding us all that prettiness is not a rent women pay for occupying a space marked 'female' but rather an individual choice, and one that should always be made freely.

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Saturday 14 October 2023

FORTY SUCCESS QUOTES by various famous people & unknown authors

(by various famous people & unknown authors)
1. "Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful." - Albert Schweitzer
2. "Success is not in what you have, but who you are." - Bo Bennett
3. "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts." - Winston Churchill
4. "Success is not the absence of failure; it's the persistence through failure." - Aisha Tyler
5. "Success is not about the destination, but the journey." - Zig Ziglar
6. "Success is not measured by money, but by the impact you have on others." - Unknown
7. "Success is not about being the best, but becoming your best self." - Unknown
8. "Success is not about how much you accomplish, but how you inspire others to accomplish." - Unknown
9. "Success is not about luck, it's about hard work and dedication." - Unknown
10. "Success is not about the applause, but the satisfaction of knowing you gave it your all." - Unknown
11. "Success is not about the number of times you fall, but the number of times you get back up." - Unknown
12. "Success is not about being perfect, but embracing your imperfections." - Unknown
13. "Success is not about what you have, but who you become in the process." - Unknown
14. "Success is not about the size of your bank account, but the size of your heart." - Unknown
15. "Success is not about the destination, but the lessons learned along the way." - Unknown
16. "Success is not about winning every battle, but choosing the battles worth fighting for." - Unknown
17. "Success is not about the accolades, but the impact you make on others." - Unknown
18. "Success is not about the possessions you accumulate, but the memories you create." - Unknown
19. "Success is not about the title, but the influence you have on others." - Unknown
20. "Success is not about the quantity, but the quality of your relationships." - Unknown
21. "Success is not about the fame, but the fulfilment of living your purpose." - Unknown
22. "Success is not about the destination, but the person you become in the process." - Unknown
23. "Success is not about the material possessions, but the intangible values you hold dear." - Unknown
24. "Success is not about the external validation, but the internal satisfaction." - Unknown
25. "Success is not about the shortcuts, but the long-term commitment." - Unknown
26. "Success is not about the competition, but the collaboration." - Unknown
27. "Success is not about the quantity of your achievements, but the quality of your character." - Unknown
28. "Success is not about the destination, but the growth you experience along the way." - Unknown
29. "Success is not about the size of your dreams, but the determination to pursue them." - Unknown
30. "Success is not about the applause, but the fulfilment of knowing you gave it your all." - Unknown
31. "Success is not about the destination, but the lessons learned from the journey." - Unknown
32. "Success is not about the number of followers, but the impact you have on their lives." - Unknown
33. "Success is not about the recognition, but the satisfaction of knowing you made a difference." - Unknown
34. "Success is not about the destination, but the person you become in pursuit of it." - Unknown
35. "Success is not about the possessions, but the experiences that enrich your life." - Unknown
36. "Success is not about the external validation, but the internal fulfilment." - Unknown
37. "Success is not about the shortcuts, but the perseverance through challenges." - Unknown
38. "Success is not about the competition, but the collaboration that leads to greatness." - Unknown
39. "Success is not about the quantity of achievements, but the quality of your character." - Unknown
40. "Success is not about the destination, but the growth and transformation you undergo.” - Unknown

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(author unknown)

Cinderella was now 75 years old. After a fulfilling life with the now dead Prince, she happily sat upon her rocking chair, watching the world go by from her front porch, with a cat called Alan for companionship

One sunny afternoon, out of nowhere, appeared the Fairy Godmother. Cinderella said "Fairy Godmother, what are you doing here after all these years?" The Fairy Godmother replied "Well Cinderella, since you have lived a good, wholesome life since we last met, I have decided to grant you 3 wishes. Is there anything for which your heart still yearns?"

Cinderella is taken aback, overjoyed and after some thoughtful consideration and almost under her breath she uttered her first wish "I wish I was wealthy beyond comprehension."

Instantly, her rocking chair was turned into solid gold. Cinderella was stunned. Alan, her old faithful cat, jumped off her lap and scampered to the edge of the porch, quivering with fear. Cinderella said "Oh thank you, Fairy Godmother". The Fairy Godmother replied "It is the least I can do. What does your heart wish for your second wish?"

Cinderella looked down at her frail body, and said "I wish I was young and full of the beauty of youth again".

At once, her wish having been desired, became reality, and her beautiful youthful visage had returned. Cinderella felt stirrings inside her that had been dormant for years and long forgotten vigour and vitality began to course through her very soul.
Then the Fairy Godmother again spoke "You have one more wish, what shall you have?" Cinderella looked over to the frightened cat in the corner and said "I wish you to transform Alan my old cat into a beautiful and handsome young man".

Magically, Alan suddenly underwent so fundamental a change in his biological make-up, that when complete he stood before her, a boy, so beautiful the like of which she nor the world had ever seen, so fair indeed that birds begun to fall from the sky at his feet. The Fairy Godmother again spoke "Congratulations, Cinderella. Enjoy your new life." And, with a blazing shock of bright blue electricity, she was gone.

For a few eerie moments, Alan and Cinderella looked into each other's eyes. Cinderella sat, breathless, gazing at the most stunningly perfect boy she had ever seen. Then Alan walked over to Cinderella, who sat transfixed in her rocking chair, and held her close in his young muscular arms.

He leant in close to her ear, and into her ear breathed as much as whispered, blowing her young golden locks with his warm breath, "I bet you regret having me neutered now, don't you?"

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Dragon's Bane

"Dragon's Bane" (author unknown)
Once in a faraway land, nestled between towering mountains and lush forests, there lived a young girl named Lily. She was known for her kind heart and unwavering courage. In the heart of the forest, there was a legend of a fearsome dragon that terrorized the nearby villages.
The dragon, with scales as dark as the night sky, was said to guard a treasure hidden deep within its lair. Many brave souls had tried to face the dragon, but none had returned. The villages lived in fear, their hearts heavy with worry.
Lily, however, was not like the others. Her determination burned brighter than the sun, and she couldn't bear to see her village suffer. With a small satchel of supplies and a heart full of hope, she set off towards the dragon's lair.
Through tangled vines and ancient trees, Lily journeyed deeper into the forest. The air grew heavy with the scent of moss and earth. Finally, she reached the mouth of a dark cave, the dragon's supposed dwelling.
Inside, the darkness seemed endless. But Lily pressed on, guided only by the flickering light of a small lantern. As she ventured deeper, she heard the low rumble of the dragon, its presence looming larger with every step.
And there it was, an enormous creature with scales that shimmered like midnight stars. Its eyes, once fierce, softened as they met Lily's determined gaze. She took a deep breath and spoke, her voice steady yet gentle.
"Great dragon," she began, "I do not come to fight. I come in peace, hoping to find a way for my village to live without fear."
The dragon, surprised by Lily's words, listened. It had grown tired of causing harm and longed for peace as well.
Lily shared her village's story, of the fear and suffering caused by the legend of the dragon. She explained that the treasure, though valuable, meant little compared to the happiness and safety of her people.
The dragon, moved by Lily's sincerity, made a decision. It revealed the hidden treasure, a dazzling hoard of jewels and gold, and entrusted it to her care.
With the treasure in tow, Lily returned to her village. The sight of her filled the villagers with wonder and awe. She shared the dragon's story and presented the treasure, which would be used to build a school, a hospital, and a park for all to enjoy.
From that day on, the village prospered. Lily's bravery and compassion had not only saved her village from fear but had also shown that sometimes, understanding and kindness could conquer the mightiest of challenges.
And as for the dragon, it found solace in knowing that its legacy would be one of peace and unity, thanks to a young girl named Lily, who had the courage to seek understanding rather than resort to violence.

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JESSICA GOES FISHING by ©John Anthony Elliott 2023

by ©John Anthony Elliott 2023
painting by ©John Anthony Elliott

Once upon a time, in a small town nestled by a great river, there was a young girl named Jessica. Jessica loved nothing more than exploring the great outdoors and going on adventures. She had a curious mind and a heart full of wonder, always eager to discover new things.

One sunny morning, as she was helping her grandfather in the garden, she spotted his old straw hat lying on a nearby bench. She had always loved that hat, with its faded brim and weathered look. She felt an irresistible urge to try it on, and before she knew it, the hat was on her head and she was running off towards the river.
Jessica had always been fascinated by the river, with its glistening waters and its
banks teeming with life. She had always wanted to go fishing, but her grandfather had never allowed her to. So, on this day, feeling brave and adventurous, she decided to steal her grandfather's fishing rod and head down to the river to catch some fish.

The river was beautiful, with its gentle flow and the sound of the water lapping
against the shore. Jessica walked along the banks, looking for the perfect spot to cast her line. She found a quiet little nook, hidden by some bushes, and settled down to wait for the fish to bite.

Hours passed, and Jessica grew restless. She had caught nothing, and was beginning to feel discouraged. Just as she was about to give up, she felt a tug on her line. She pulled it in, and to her amazement, there was a large fish wriggling on the end of it.

Excited and triumphant, Jessica ran back home with her catch, proudly showing it to her grandfather. But as soon as he saw her with his fishing rod and his beloved straw hat, he knew what had happened.

"Jessica," he said sternly, "you should never take what isn't yours. But I'm glad you
had a good time fishing. Next time, come and ask me, and we can go together."
Jessica felt ashamed of what she had done, but also grateful for her grandfather's
forgiveness. She knew that she had learned an important lesson, and that the next time she went on an adventure, she would make sure to do it with honesty and respect.

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(author unknown)

1. Recognize your ignorance first. By doing do, your mind will become open to all kinds of learning, which is contrary to living in arrogance.
2. Play chess or any mental games every day. With just 10-minute games every day, you will stimulate your mind toward strategic thinking.
3. Jump rope. This is one of the best exercises that require coordination and will also keep your body and mind in good shape.
4. Practice mindfulness. This will keep your mind always in the present rather than dwelling in the memories of the past or worries of the future. Mindfulness will help you reset your mind and free it into productivity.
5. Talk to people you meet every day even if you don't know them. Talk to supermarket cashier, the taxi driver, the barber etc. Social interaction with strangers stimulates your mind.
6. Write social media posting every day for one year. Writing also stimulates your creativity and makes you smarter.
7. Learn a new language. Learning a new foreign language makes you cleverer all rounds. First of all, learning new vocabulary and grammar structures improves your memory and your attention span, making you better able to pick up and retain information in other areas.
8. Learn a new skill. Learning new skills is key to greasing the wheels of creativity, personal development, and productivity. There are thousands of courses on the web. Start today.

9. Read books of any kind every day, and you will gradually increase your awareness of a whole new world of knowledge and adventures...
Thank you for reading.

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Empower yourself each and every day

"Empower yourself each and every day" (author unknown)

There comes a time when you realize that not everyone is going to like you.
Sometimes, they dislike you for no reason, and there’s nothing you can do.
Whatever their motivations are - jealousy, unhappiness or personal challenges - realize that it’s not you.

It’s not really you that they dislike, but themselves.
You can’t fix other people nor should you try to.
Empower yourself each and every day to be the best you that you can be..
that’s all you can do, all you can control.
Stop and take a deep breath.

You're never going to be everyone's favourite person, and trying to please everyone will lead to your unhappiness.
Be real, be yourself and always be authentic.
Celebrate your uniqueness and invigorate your passions.
It's better to be disliked for being genuine than to be loved for being fake.
Love your people who accept and appreciate you walk past the rest.
Life is full of people trying to be what they aren’t to get things they don't need to impress people that don't matter.

You've got one life, make it count.

There is no dress rehearsal.

Do it your way, with your style and let your voice be heard.
Who you are and what you do may not matter to everyone else, but it will always matter to those who love you.
If you are going to make ripples,
you might as well create waves.
You were born for greatness..

Own it, love it and let your light shine.

This is your time-
Spread your wings.
Take the chance to fall in love with being alive, every day.
You don’t ever have to apologize for being amazing..
It’s your time to shine, my dear.
Live passionately, love intensely and always be unforgettably you.

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"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley

"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley We have to stop thinking that we’ve failed every time we fall. When babies are learning to walk, we ...