Friday 10 November 2023


"OCEAN OF WISDOM" (author unknown)
A poor man always think the rich man made his wealth out of luck.
And the rich man believes the poor is poor because he is lazy.
A young lady who married very early thinks ladies who are finding it hard to get married have bad character.
A man who just graduated and get a job immediately thinks he is smarter than others.
While a woman who just got married and start giving birth sees "barren" women as people who lived a wayward life.
If only the poor knew the price the rich paid to get to top and if only the rich knows the battles, challenges that the poor is going through, none will ever form a theory about each other.
If the poor can't appreciate the rich man's success let him mind his business if it is easy to be rich he wouldn't have been poor.
And if the rich won't help the poor grow at least they should not kill the spirit of a struggling man.
If only you know what people endure or fight behind the scene you will always thank God for your life. Until you walk in people's shoes, You will never know how hard the journey is.
Help each other grow!!!
Mock less, envy no one.
and love one another.

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-


by Becky Hemsley 2023

The rabbit bounded up the hill,
A full moon in the sky
When she heard the howling of a wolf
Which turned into a cry
She bravely climbed the hill
And found a wolf without his pack
Crying out in agony,
His legs caught in a trap
And though the rules of nature
Told her she should turn and flee
Her kindness then resolved her
To ensure that he was freed
So she released each paw from in the trap
Then licked his wounds
Pretending not to notice
His reaction to the moon
See all the while she’d never stopped
Looking into his eyes
For she knew these were the windows
To the soul he’d trapped inside
His eyes were fierce and angry
But she watched them slowly change
Through relief to vulnerability
‘Til only peace remained
And then it was his turn
To quite ignore his nature’s laws
To quieten his hungry growl
And put away his claws
“I don’t know how you did that,”
Were the words he spoke at first
And she looked down to his paws
To check that none of them were hurt
“Not that,” he said, “I don’t know how
You softened me inside”
And then she whispered just three words –
“I see you,” she replied
They walked for many hours
Counting fireflies and stars
And when the morning sun rose
They were sad they’d have to part
“Meet me on the hill,” she said,
“The hill on which we met
Meet me there this evening
As the sun begins to set”
And both of them considered
Whether it was right to meet
Were there too many obstacles,
Too much adversity?
But they both knew that this
Was something they could not ignore
Something beyond nature
That they’d never felt before
So they met upon the hill
And as the sun set from above
They proved that there is nothing
Quite as powerful as love
This was actually written as a request for a couple who then used it as a reading at their wedding
Love conquers all!
Becky Hemsley 2023
Artwork created on Canva
The Wolf and the Rabbit is from 'What the Wild Replied'

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

Thursday 9 November 2023

And Tomorrow We Will Wake Again

"And Tomorrow We Will Wake Again" (author unknown)

I S E N T them off to school sad today
It was just one of those yucky mornings
Tears were shed, threats were made
Not one of us listened to the warnings
There was yelling I wish I could take back
And patience that was hard to find
The cloud of exhaustion lingered heavy
Trying to function but running blind
I hugged them tight in the final moments
Before waving them over the road
And even though I said I love you
I know that’s not what my actions showed
So now a lump sits hard but idle
In my throat and in my heart
Regret settling like lead in my stomach
A wish for a do over, a restart
As I watch their backpacks sway from behind
I picture them holding back the prickling tears
I tell myself they’ll shake it off before school
Lies I tell myself to squash my mum fears
I’ll replay the morning all day long
Hold myself accountable, question my choices
The guilt will chew me up and spit me out
No silence from my inside voices
And when they walk back in that door
With their arms open ready for a hug
I will tell them I’m sorry for the rough start
And I have no doubt they’ll smile and shrug
‘That’s ok mum, we’re sorry too’
Is the usual response I receive
Their truly hearts live to forgive
Especially after they’ve had time to breathe
Their sorry embrace will fill the cracks
That I carved in my heart all day on my own
The pieces healed in mere seconds
By their love I’m knitted up, resewn
And tomorrow we will wake again
With intention to lace actions with heart
And hope that the goodbye is an easy one
Cos we all deserve a gentler start

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

SEASONS by Becky Hemsley

by Becky Hemsley 2022

We all have an autumn
A time to let go
Of things that are no longer
Helping us grow
A time to reveal
All the colours we cover
With sunshine and light
In the midst of our summer
A time when our souls
And our spirits prepare
To return to their roots
And to lay themselves bare
And as all our petals
And leaves begin falling,
Our breath becomes cooler,
Our nights start to draw in,
We realise our winter
Is heading this way
With cold that assumes control
Over our days
With dark that’s determined
To not let us win
To fight with the light
Hibernating within
And I know that it’s tough,
It’s exhausting and hard
To rally your spirit
And soul from the dark
But there’ll come a day
When your petals return,
Your days become warmer,
The darkness adjourns
So right now, you feel
Like your winter won’t leave
There’s ice getting caught
In your throat as you breathe
But when it feels so bleak
You want to give in
Hang in there, remember
We all have a spring
Becky Hemsley 2022
Artwork by the wonderful AF Anki MalowAnki
'Seasons' is from What the Wild Replied

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

Wednesday 8 November 2023

A NEW CHAPTER by Becky Hemsley

by Becky Hemsley 2021

She asked him how he’d done it
How he’d built marshmallow towns
How he’d met a little poor boy
Who was destined for the crown
She asked him how he knew about
The language fairies speak
And how he’d caught a shooting star
That now was his to keep
She asked him how he’d swum
Right to the bottom of the sea
And how he’d seen a mountain cry
And heard the sunshine speak
She found it all a mystery
He breathed the air she breathed
But he breathed out tales of distant lands
And things she’d never seen
And she saw a world of wonder
When she looked up close at him
And when he spoke his words flowed
Like a poem on the wind
He told her that it hadn’t been
Some wings that helped him fly
And it hadn’t been a net he’d used
To catch things from the sky
It wasn’t maps that led him
To a chest of buried gold
And it hadn’t been a ship
That sailed him halfway round the world
It wasn’t bricks he’d used
To build a castle in the sky
For he told her he had lived
All of these things inside his mind
And he told her she could do it too
For reading’s all it took
And she’d open up her world
If she just opened up a book
Becky Hemsley 2021
Artwork created with Canva
'A New Chapter' is from my first collection:

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-


(author unknown)

You might think it’s no big deal. You might not even realize the power in your ability to keep going. But I see you. I know that strength. I know the nights of no sleep met with mornings of tired. I understand the give and the take. I know the heartbreak and the love.
And I know that sometimes it’s so easy to dismiss that we keep going.
You keep going.
That family of yours knows that you keep going. That is such a gift. A life gift. A hard thing.
It’s hard to keep going when the cards all crash in. But you keep going.
It’s challenging to keep going when relationships fail. But you keep going.
It’s scary to keep going when you don’t have answers. But you keep going.
It’s lonely to keep going when everyone else seems to have it together. But you keep going.
It’s frustrating to keep going when things keep messing up. But you keep going.
It’s tiring to keep going when you get no sleep. But you keep going.
It’s humbling to keep going when you feel overwhelmed. But you keep going.
It’s simple to dismiss it.
But you keep going.
On good days. You keep going.
On bad days. You keep going.
On great days. You keep going.
On irritating days. You keep going.
On normal days. You keep going.
On throw-in-the-towel days. You keep going.
On take a rest and chill days. You keep going.
On exhilarating days. You keep going.
On so-so days. You keep going.
On first-time days. You keep going.
On last-time days. You keep going.
On vacation days. You keep going.
On work days. You keep going.
On invest in your heart days. You keep going.
On never-get-a-break days. You keep going.
On just-a-mom days. You keep going.
You keep going.
You may get to the end of this day and look at your day and wonder what on earth did I accomplish today? But you are only looking at today. You are missing all the days that got you to this day. All the days where you kept on going. All the days when you didn’t know if you would make it through. All those days. So maybe your to-do list has a hundred things checked off or maybe it has none – but it does have this – you keep going.
Sweet, sweet sister.
The weight of the world will try to tell you that you need to do more, be more, change more, love more, give more, show-up more, but sister, sometimes the world misses the most powerful part of you.
You keep going.
So hold your head high. Be proud of you. Love your days. All of them.
You know what is amazing? This story, this life, this adventure – you are such a beautiful part of it. For so many. For your friends, your children, your family.
Because you keep going.

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley

"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley We have to stop thinking that we’ve failed every time we fall. When babies are learning to walk, we ...